Charter School Bill Loses House Vote, But Not Dead

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Mississippi House members don't want to proceed with a bill including a charter schools expansion favored by the Senate.

The House voted 60-58 Tuesday to reject conference with senators on differences over House Bill 890. The bill, also including provisions raising entry standards for teacher education, remains on the House calendar and could be voted on again before Thursday.

As amended by the Senate, the bill widens provisions allowing charter schools. Crucially, it gives a veto over local charters to C-rated districts for only three years. Many House members want A, B and C-rated districts to have permanent vetoes over charter schools.

Five representatives switched their votes to "no" after voting "yes" in January on a narrower House charter schools bill. One representative switched from not voting to voting "no."


southernblackman 11 years, 1 month ago

When there is no positive love of the public school system in Jackson, and that there is no one lobbying for modernizing the school public school along with looking at data on what is working and not then. May be charter schools need to come to Mississippi.?


robbier 11 years, 1 month ago

Can't imagine why people don't positively love a school district that has a 53% graduation rate of males and a 23% drop out rate.


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