Question o' the Week: What is the BEST thing about Jackson, Mississippi?

The JFP asks: What is the BEST thing about Jackson, Mississippi?

The JFP asks: What is the BEST thing about Jackson, Mississippi? Photo by Trip Burns.

Amanda Margolis POSSIBILITY. (And Lemuria Books.)

Shanna Carroll Head The people. Specifically, the people's spirit that brings the city to life.

Natasha McLaurin Open-minded people.

Izreal L. Cary THE Jackson State University.

Chris N Summer Minshew Millsaps College!

Linda Castleberry Showah Fondren!

Amanda Holder Magnolia Speech School.

Savanah Perry Local artisans!

Karen Powell The arts, theaters and music.

Cameron Tate Hard-working people, who focus every day on the mission of making Jackson a better place to live!

Mike Morgan It's the capital; there's always entertainment.

Venessia Authenticity Fondren and F Jones Corner.

Pam Greer The best thing about the city of Jackson is the community service provided by nonprofits, philanthropist and musicians to the less fortunate. We all unite together to help all people despite race, orientation, or social class.

Jim Lea Reservoir in summertime ... Straight up awesomeness

Marquita Love The food. Jackson has some of the best restaurants in the country.

Hollie Penuel Jackson has grit. Hardships build character. I think of the culture, art, food that was birthed, is still emerging, from struggle. Plus, a lot of the restaurants in Jackson have outdoor seating, and that's something I admire in a city.

Daniel Guaqueta I can get anywhere in town with a quickness, and it still feels like a bustling city. The freeway access is awesome!

Jason Bailey Local music.

Amanda Joullian Ragland All of the musicians, artists and art enthusiasts!

Brian Hall The restaurants! All the great food spots in Jackson makes Jackson special!

Natasha McLaurin Open-minded people.

Jim Dollarhide The best thing about Jackson is the people who live here who freely share their stories, who are passionate about their town and are willing to stand up and be counted. (Current City Council excluded).

Valencia Robinson The opportunity for growth. Jackson, Miss., is fertile ground.

Susan Voisin The weather (not too cold in the winter, long growing season) and the low cost of living).

Della R Posey Jackson is the crossroads for travel ... New Orleans, Atlanta, Memphis, Dallas, and other places in between.

Robyn Valdizon Wonderful people with the exception of the men I choose to date.

Diana Barnes The students! They are such hard-working, enthusiastic learners. I used to love asking, "Do you give up?!" (when a question was challenging). They would always yell, "NO!"

Caitlin McNally Cox Jackson's underbelly has got serious moxie. True, brave grassroots community.

Federica Hughes As an outsider, the fact that there was music, food, readings, dancing, and events available every night of the week within eight minutes and awesome affordable housing in Belhaven.

Anders Ferrington The booming new restaurant scene plus the old faithfuls (though I was tempted to say Belhaven as a resident).

Cory Knowles Jackson has so much variety.. The entertainment venues. Live music. The variety of local restaurants. The functions like St Patty's Parade and the Chick Ball. They are all great, but the thing I dig the most is the potential here. Jackson is so ripe with it that it keeps me optimistic. I'll never give up on the city.

John Maxwell I know this is a cliche, but it really is the people. When I lived in Seattle this is what I missed most.

Carl Black Hal & Mal's

Deirdra Harris Glover Jackson is just large enough to bring people together, and just small enough so that we clearly see the effects of what we do.

Jarrod Parker The cobblestones downtown.

Duan Carter Location, Location, Location, Location in regards to the various/diverse southern cultures in the region! Jackson has prime real estate, due to the location, and it's amazing to me how the state as a whole looks down on it--when it should be the focal point of growth in the state. I think when Jackson does well, it will generate new opportunities across the state.

Linda Mann As an ex-ex-pat, I love my hometown because it is us and it is truly unique. Our town is a work of art in progress. Sometimes it's disturbing, more often it's inspiring, like these comments. It's living art, and we are the artists!

Scott Albert Johnson The fact that there's no place like it, anywhere. I can't count how many times I have said to myself, "Now THAT'S a Jackson moment." I always tell people that the two best decisions I ever made were leaving Jackson (at 18) and coming back home (at 33).

See and add more at jfp.ms/jxnbest.


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