Question o' the Week: What is the top thing you plan to do in 2013 to help Jackson become the best possible city it can be?

Angela Grayson I will educate as many families as I can on how to become properly protected, debt free and financially independent! Share how God's Grace and Mercy can change the city and let as many people possible experience a CakePopCutie.

Dane Carney Going to try to get a job somewhere as IWW union salt.

Donna Ladd I will do more investigative reporting.

Lynn Robinson I will continue to have community discussions with real people that have no vested interest in making money off Jackson, but want to see a better city.

Dawn Beasley Macke Give more: words, time, compliments, positivity, props, appreciation.

Tom Head I plan to do more pro bono grantwriting, copywriting and social media work for small local nonprofits. There's a huge demand for that.

Jenni Watson I do not think Jackson can become a "best city" as long as we are supporting businesses and politicians that want to take away the rights of various groups. I think we have some serious soul searching to do. This place is nothing to be proud of right now. What do I want to invite friends here for, so they can see the way we treat gay people and see the fetus truck making traffic issues on Lakeland? We look like we are stuck in 1870 here.

Percy King Volunteer more.

Torri Nichelle Mow my lawn, support more small businesses, attend a Koinonia Friday morning session. Vote in the mayoral election.

Carrie McMahan Support small business, vote, tell as many people as I can on how to save money the right way for their future.

Tony Davenport Utilizing my skills & talents to work with other positive, inclusive and visionary people who really want to move forward in creating the change they want to see here in Jackson.

Monique Davis My top tactic is to only emphasize the positive, i.e the Peaceful Parenting Expo happening at St. Dominic's Jan. 27. I will not repeat any crime stats, house burning, etc. I will be affirming the good.

Kathleen Morrison Mitchell Random acts of kindness.

Amanda Joullian Ragland Give more support to local musicians, restaurants and retail!

Janice Hogan Become a better informed citizen, communicate with those who make decisions for our community, and exercise my constitutional right to vote.

Mississippi Youth Hip Hop Summit ACLU of MS Youth and Parents are fully engaged to make MS Schools the BEST THEY CAN BE! Join us!

Beth Poff Zoo It Better!

Andrea Thomas I will promote only the good. People always speak on the negative aspects of Jackson. If everyone would replace the negatives with a positive, I think the morale of the city would change. Positive visualization or positive reinforcement always equals a positive outcome.

Virginia Ezelle Shop and patronize small local businesses. We are fortunate to have many wonderful ones.


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