Stinker Quote of the Week: "Letter C"


"The only similarity between the Commission set up by HB 490, and the Sovereignty Commission is they both begin with the letter 'C.'"

—Rep. Jeff Smith, R-Columbus, in an article he wrote on the Y'all Politics blog Jan. 27, in response to criticism of a bill he co-sponsored: the Mississippi Balance of Powers Act.

Why it stinks: House Bill 490, which died in committee this week, proposes creating a government commission to examine federal laws and decide whether Mississippi and Mississippians should have to follow those laws.

The bill thumbs its nose at the federal government by setting Mississippi up as the supreme arbiter of law. What this bill has in common with the Sovereignty Commission is a blatant disrespect for the U.S. Constitution. The Mississippi Sovereignty Commission was set up to subvert laws giving equal rights to African Americans. The Balance of Powers Act aims to subvert any federal law its commission doesn't agree with. They are more alike than different.


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