10 Things to Know for Monday

Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that people will be talking about today:

  1. DEMONSTRATION IN KABUL TURNS VIOLENT--Hundreds of Afghans burn cars, throw rocks at a U.S. military base to protest an anti-Islam film.

  2. SCHOOL'S STILL OUT IN CHICAGO--Parents scramble to find daycare as the teachers' strike enters its second week; the mayor says he will sue to end the walkout.

  3. A STRATEGY SHIFT FOR THE GOP--With polls showing Obama leading nationally, Romney intends to more clearly outline what he'd do if elected.

  4. HOW 'OCCUPY' HAS EVOLVED--Worldwide rallies Monday will mark the one-year anniversary of the movement, which these days is less organized but has more targets.

  5. U.S. KIDS EAT TOO MUCH SALT, RESEARCHERS FIND--Extra salt is linked to higher blood pressure, especially for overweight or obese children.

  6. FOUNDATION FOR SUCCESS--Men in South Korea — the male makeup capital of the world — turn to cosmetics to get an edge in workplace, romance.

  7. LOTS OF UNCERTAINTY IN DECIDING WHEN TO TAKE KEYS FROM ELDERLY DRIVERS--States are all over the map when it comes to making rules targeting older, unsafe motorists, an AP review finds.

  8. ANOTHER MILESTONE FOR EX-POLITICAL PRISONER--Myanmar democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi will be honored with Congress's highest award this week in Washington.

  9. WHY R&B SINGER HAS A COURT DATE--At 5 p.m., Chris Brown attends a hearing in Los Angeles amid questions about whether he's fulfilling his community service.

  10. A KING'S RANSOM--Britain's royal family will sue the photographer who snapped photos of Kate sunbathing topless.


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