Election 2012, Illustrated: Debt and Jobs

File Photo/Jackson Free Press

In an election year, the one thing that is curiously missing are facts. They are often misquoted, embellished, or to the point of being completely ignored. Especially with talking heads, facts can become dismembered and lead an uninformed listener to an implied opinion. And even then it becomes more difficult to determine "fact" or fiction.

With all the political buzz going around, we continue to work hard to bring the facts to you, dear readers, that you can become more aware of the political environment that can and will affect you.

See more election coverage and infographics here at jfp.ms/election2012.


Election 2012 Illustrated


pbreazeale 11 years, 5 months ago

Obama signed the law extending the Bush tax cuts!

This chart is not accurate!


donnaladd 11 years, 5 months ago

Of course it's accurate. The fact that Obama agreed with the need in crisis to extend the Bush tax cuts until 2012 (now) in order to stimulate the economy does not change anything about the fact that the debt is largely made up of cost of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and his tax cuts in the first place. It's bad business: spend, spend, spend and lower your revenues.


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