Romney: Not Presidential


Brad Franklin

There's an old adage that says, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them." If you've been following the 2012 presidential election, you've been inundated with sound bites. Each candidate wishes to impress upon you who he is and the reasons why he should be the one to lead us the next four years.

As an independent voter who votes person, not party, it's become increasingly clear to me that Mitt Romney isn't the best choice.

Yes, Romney's business experience is impressive; as a businessman, I can respect his acumen. But from what I've seen and heard, there's little "presidential" about him. He doesn't strike me as a diplomat. His comments in London about the Olympics denote that, and his comments about China hammer that home. If those weren't enough, there are his hasty, ill-timed comments after a U.S. ambassador was assassinated in Libya.

Romney doesn't strike me as compassionate. His comments about the "47 percent" at a private fundraising dinner show that. In fact, he doesn't strike me as having a bloody clue about what goes on with anyone not in his world.

Nope, he's not "presidential." To me, he is simply an ambitious man who seeks an office to pad his resume. He's been "running for president" for nearly a decade. He is a wealthy man who has no idea how to act or connect with people who aren't in his tax bracket. He is a successful businessman who doesn't know much about foreign policy other than he thinks it should work like a Fortune 500 company. None of those things are bad, except that he's tried for a year to show us how he isn't any of those things. And that raises a red flag for me.

Here's a little advice, Republican Party, from an independent voter who recognizes that occasionally you guys do indeed have good ideas. Stop parading rich white guys in front of us. Start learning how the majority of America lives ... and works. Stop assuming that those of us who aren't rich white males are lazy and shiftless grifters who refuse to work. Stop letting guys like Todd Akin make stupid, inaccurate statements that alienate an entire demographic. Stop letting guys like Allen West represent the "Black Republican voice."

Do I believe President Obama has shown us the "real Barack"? Doubt it. But Mitt Romney's biggest faux pas was showing us exactly who he was and what kind of president he would make. And that guy won't get my vote.

And that's the truth ... shonuff!


darryl 11 years, 7 months ago

Nice thing about this, everyone has an opinion. Unfortunately, a lot of people are going to have their minds made up by these debates. The President's performance last night was decidedly un-Presidential, as well. If he wants to capture those, he is going to have to be better prepared.

"But Mitt Romney's biggest faux pas was showing us exactly who he was and what kind of president he would make. And that guy won't get my vote."

Barack Obama's biggest faux pas was showing us exactly who he is and what kind of president he has made. And that guy won't get my vote.


justjess 11 years, 6 months ago

It is interesting that our country is made up of some people who are so fickle that one 90min. debate would change the course of who a person really is and totally erase all positives. For the past few months, President Obama has been painted as an angry black man. Why? This President's whole Administration has been maulled by: "He is not one of us"; "He is Muslim"; "He was not born in America"; "He is arrogant"; "He has not reached accross the isle"; "He is a Socialist"; "He is a Communist"; and, the negatives go on and on. What is not said is, "He is Black and I hate him." Many continue to say, "We are going to take OUR country back."

There are a few things that I know for sure: I know a LIE when I HEAR one and I know a LIAR when I SEE one; At this point, Ronmey is 2 for 2.


tstauffer 11 years, 6 months ago

They both lie so what the differece?

Math? Even based on your evidence that they're the same, Romney was judged as "Mostly False" to "Pants on Fire" on 43% of his statements; Obama 26%. (Note also that Obama's "file" on that site goes back to the McCain campaign, so if you kept it strictly on the current campaign you're really reaching for any outright lies by Obama. It's mostly spin and shade, like any politician.)

Nearly 10% of what Romney said was "Pants on Fire" false by the Poltifact metric.

But I think the real difference is how Romney's statements seem to counter all of reality, and not just spin things -- items like that his healthcare plan covers pre-existing conditions or that Obamacare has a 15-person panel that makes binding decisions about what healthcare you can have.


donnaladd 11 years, 6 months ago

The difference is, Romney is coming across as a serial liar, same as Ryan was before they put a muzzle on him after the convention.

What's remarkable to me is that they must be planning the lies: The advisers tell the candidate: just go out there and lie about your promise to cut everyone's taxes 20 percent, Mr. Romney. Just tell the American public that you have a plan to cover pre-existing conditions; we can correct it with the media afterward. Just tell the cameras that the Medicare panel can tell people the treatments they can get (Palin's "death panels") even though federal law says they can't. Scare the dickens out of the public; then we can talk it back later. Any lie is OK in order to get elected even if it's to sick people about the treatment they can and cannot get.

And most of his foreign policy advisers are from the Bush administration and are "shock and awe" neocons. Look where that got us. No wonder all he talked about in his "foreign policy address" was getting tough on the MIddle East. Remember what Bush wanted and delivered?

THAT, along with the tax cuts for the wealthy, is the primary reason for our exploded debt. We can't afford the neoconservative approach to going after the Arab world by any means necessary. It costs too much money, and we lose family members -- and they're still pissed off at us.

Meantime, Romney wants to start another cold war with Russia. All this is great for defense contractors, maybe, but not the rest of us.

Romney is making Bush look better, and I didn't think anybody but Palin could do that.


donnaladd 11 years, 6 months ago

More Romney lies from yesterday, this time on abortion.

http://blogs.desmoinesregister.com/dm...">He told the Des Moines Register editorial board:

There’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with that would become part of my agenda.

The same day, http://2012.talkingpointsmemo.com/201...">his campaign assured the anti-abortion lobby that he does, in fact, plan anti-abortion legislation:

“No alarm bells here,” Tony Perkins, president of the anti-abortion Family Research Council, told TPM on Wednesday.

Perkins said the Romney campaign called him soon after Romney’s remarks were published by the Des Moines Register and assured him it didn’t represent a shift by Romney from his support for pro-life issues.

This is absurd. You can't believe anything he says.


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