Rapper Eminem Slams Bush in Rolling Stone

First American Conservative, now Eminem. This excerpt is from the issue of Rolling Stone that hits the streets the first week of November:

Rolling Stone: You get deep into your feelings about President Bush and Iraq on "Mosh." Do you think the Iraq War was a mistake?

Eminem: He's been painted to be this hero and he's got our troops over there dying for no reason. I haven't heard an explanation yet that I can understand. Explain to us why we have troops over there dying.

RS: There is no good answer.

E: I think he started a mess. America is the best country there is, the best country to live in. But he's f**kin' that up and could run our country into the ground. He jumped the gun, and he f**ked up so bad he doesn't know what to do right now. He's in a tailspin, running around like a dog chasing its tail. And we got young people over there dyin', kids in their teens, early twenties that should have futures ahead of them. And for what? It seems like a Vietnam 2. Bin Laden attacked us and we attacked Saddam. We ain't heard from Saddam for ten years, but we go attack Saddam. Explain why that is. Give us some answers.

RS: Are you voting?

E: This is the first year I've registered to vote. And I'm gonna vote. Bush is definitely not my homie, but I'm still undecided. Kerry has been known to say some things that's caught my attention, made a few statements I've liked, but I don't know. Whatever my decision is, I would like to see Bush out of office. I don't wanna see my little brother get drafted. He just turned eighteen. I don't want to see him lose his life. People think their votes don't count, but people need to get out and vote. Every motherf**kin' vote counts.

Previous Comments


He'll cancel Britney's vote for Bush at the very least! ;-) His comments don't surprise me. I think they represent the greater opinion of the hip hop community and young urbanites everywhere. I'm sure there are many popsters that own both the Dixie Chicks and Eminem discs... I'm curious how many people will build bonfires with his cds or are we past that point?


Bin Laden attacked us and we attacked Saddam. That's my favorite line. Kind of encapsulates the whole Bush-reality problem in eight words.



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