Of Jeep Lies and FEMA Dodges: Is Romney Losing Cohesion?
OK, we all know that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have taken presidential campaign dishonesty to a place we've seldom, if ever, seen. They don't just twist the truth as is common in politics, but they just make bald-faced statements over and over again, including in TV ads, that are …
Special Olympian's Response to Ann Coulter's Rank Stupidity
Frank, a Special Olympian, offers a reasonable and considerate response to Ann Coulter's ridiculous statement after the third Presidential debate.
Obama: There's a Word for Romney's Flip-Flops: 'Romnesia'
Today on the campaign trail President Obama told a laughing crowd in Virginia that he may have diagnosed why Mitt Romney seems to say one thing in the nationally televised debates and another thing while campaigning... he's got "Romnesia."
Looking for a Debate Party?
We've heard about a number of debate parties in Jackson and beyond. You're on your own to figure out the drinking games. Here are the ones we know about; feel free to add your own! Hal & Mal's Red Room, downtown Jackson, tends to be a progressive crowd that likes …
Barbour Criticizes Obama on Deficit... Then Criticizes Him for Budget Cuts
According to NewsMax (ugh) our esteemed former lobbyist/former governor/current lobbyist Haley Barbour was on Fox News this weekend complaining that President Obama isn't paying enough attention to the debt.
Blodget: 'Here's the Problem With Our Economy'
What's wrong with the American Economy? Income inequality, due, in part, to an over-emphasis on shareholder value as our prevailing metric for corporate success.