JPS Adopts LGBT-Inclusive Employment Policy
The Human Rights Campaign issued a statement praising the Jackson Public School District for voting unanimously to extend workplace protections to gay, lesbian and transgender employees.

City of Jackson Reports Lead Levels Below Legal Limits
Testing on the City of Jackson's water collected from water towers show lead limits that are below the threshold for concern, which city officials say suggests that lead-level problems repeated previously are a problem with the pipes in local homes, not with the distribution system.

JXN Trailblazers - New 'Museum Trail' Video
The JXN Trailblazers is a group dedicated to encouraging and promoting the building a multi-use trail from the Farmers' Market in downtown Jackson to the Lefleur's museum district centered at Lakeland Drive just east of I-55.

Crossroads Film Society Issues Statement on HB 1523
(Verbatim) Statement from the Crossroads Film Society Board: It is ironic that on the heels of our very diverse, inclusive, and kind-hearted film festival, those of us who cherish open dialogue and respect the contributions we each make to our State find ourselves at another kind of crossroad. Recent and …

Corporate CEOs Call on Bryant, GOP Leaders to Repeal HB 1523
The Human Rights Commission has releases a statement that includes an open letter to Governor Phil Bryant, Lieutenant Governor Tate Reeves and Speaker Philip Gunn, calling on them to repeal HB 1523.

Jackson Mayor: 'We Will Not Discriminate'
Jackson Mayor Tony Yarber issues a statement this evening in the wake of the passage of HB 1523 and city council action.

Mississippi Manufacturers Association to Bryant: Veto the Anti-LGBT Bill
The Human Rights Campaign this evening announced in a release that the Mississippi Manufacturers Association—a frequent contributor to conservative candidates and supporter of "pro-business" legislation in Mississippi—is calling on Governor Phil Bryant to veto HB 1523, which has passed both houses and awaits the Governor's response.