Clarion-Ledger Greets Lumumba Win with Negative Front Page
You know, Harvey Johnson told the JFP once that The Clarion-Ledger was still institutionally racist, and doesn't even know it, and they have done little—consistently, any way—over the years to prove that it's not true. After Lumumba's historic (whether you like him or not) win, THIS was the front-page news …

Did a working mother raise you? Tell us about her.
Gov. Phil Bryant stepped in it yesterday when he blamed working mothers with the challenges in education. Since then, we've seen people posting tributes to their working mothers on social media. We'd like to collect them here, as a tribute of sorts to the amazing women who have built America, …

Miss. Chapter of NOW Insists that Gov. Bryant Apologize to Working Mothers
Verbatim statement, just in: National Organization for Woman, Mississippi Insists Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant apologize for statements against working mothers The Mississippi Chapter of the National Organization for Women condemns the comments Governor Phil Bryant made regarding working women and working families being the cause of education problems in Mississippi. …

Phil Bryant blames education problems on "moms ... in the workplace"
Yes, he did. The Washington Post is reporting that our esteemed governor, Phil Bryant, blamed working mothers for the problems in the education system: Bryant was participating in a Washington Post Live event focused on the importance of ensuring that children read well by the end of third grade. In …