Of Jeep Lies and FEMA Dodges: Is Romney Losing Cohesion?
OK, we all know that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have taken presidential campaign dishonesty to a place we've seldom, if ever, seen. They don't just twist the truth as is common in politics, but they just make bald-faced statements over and over again, including in TV ads, that are …

Halloween Company Uses Sexual Ads for Children's Costumes
http://jacksonfreepress.com/users/photos/2012/oct/29/9091/ Spirit Halloween, owned by ACON Investments, is running ads for costumes the company labels for teens and tweens with sexual references and innuendo. The Mississippi State Chapter of the National Organization for Women, a liberal feminist group, and Concerned Women for America, a conservative group, are two organizations that …

Letter to Sheriff's Department
Dear Captain Joseph Daughtry, I have attempted to call you multiple to no avail, so I'm hoping you will read this. Last I checked, you are the spokesman for the Hinds County Sheriff's Department and go-to media contact. Over the last couple of months, I have attempted to contact you …

Surprising, and Testy, Comments by Rep. Ryan on Crime, Guns
Today I saw a tweet about Rep. Paul Ryan getting testy with a reporter and stopping an interview so I clicked over to see what he was saying. But what was most interesting was not the testy part; it was what he actually said before that in the clip. Did …