Recent Stories

Paying Attention
While I love living in a country where any citizen can run for public office, I also hate living in a country where so many think they should.

Justifying Foolishness
At times, this country is a model for intolerance. Our compassion is thrown to the wind, and our grand ignorance is on display for all to see.

Teach Your Sons
Fathers, teach your sons what respect means. It seems to be a quality lost on a new generation of boys, and we all must collectively take responsibility for that.

What's in a Name?
I had an interesting conversation recently on my Facebook page about the "Christmas controversy" that comes up every year.

The Worst of Us
We've seen the ugly side of America. We've seen what we can devolve into, and I don't think most of us like it.

Now It’s Serious
Things just got serious. We have less than a week until the election, and I hope everyone understands how close this race is.

A Smile, A Smirk
In social media, I see lots of folks who say they've either unfollowed, unfriended, blocked or deleted someone because of their political beliefs.

Romney: Not Presidential
There's an old adage that says, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them."

Making Others 'Comfortable'
Of dreadlocks and MBAs; of fashion trends and government intervention; of earrings and the news. Don't worry; I'm about to make my point.

Scars Run Deep
Most people hear about victims of domestic violence. It's always a friend or a relative of a co-worker or that woman you passed in a crowded bar whose name is bandied about in hushed tones.