Recent Stories

To Fetch a Pail of Water
This summer marks 25 years since I came out of the closet. Today, coming out happens so often in the world of the Hollywood A-listers, athletes, journalists and elected officials that it hardly makes news. Harvey Milk said we must come out and, while not everyone can right now, plenty visible folks are twirling out of the closet, wire hangers and all.

The Walls Come Tumbling Down
When marriage equality became the law of the land the morning of June 26, I kissed my husband and went right back to work.

Outside of Celebrity
In 2007, Kevin Sessums' "Mississippi Sissy" (St. Martin's Press, $24.95) became a best seller. The book opened our eyes to the life of a boy touched by tragedy, feeling like an outsider in an ultra-conservative southern state, and his molestation at the hands of a trusted minister.

LGBTQ Americans Need Support of Everyday Folk
Now, with marriage equality poised to become the law of the land when the U.S. Supreme Court rules on the cases coming out of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, many of us have begun to raise awareness of the dangers of being a member of the LGBTQ community.

Gov. Bryant: Stop Running Off LGBT Mississippians
How can you deny that fostering an oppressive and hateful atmosphere towards the LGBT community forces hard-working taxpayers to seriously question where their pink dollars are spent?

Thank You, Jackson
Witnessing the Mississippi business community coming together to speak out against discrimination of any kind through the lens of being a business owner in the LGBTQ community makes it all the more powerful to me.

Random Acts of Love
I’ve long maintained that I don’t care for public displays of affection. I’ve said it countless times to two long-term boyfriends, a few suitors and my husband. By turning my nose up at other couples, I’ve been able to hide my fear of being spotted.

As SB2681 Passes, A Gay Mississippi Businessman Talks Back to the Far Right
"I don't have to look back very far in my lived experience to recall a time when I was afraid to live openly. I once thought the very best I could hope for was to get a job, fall in love, and keep that part of my life hidden from family and clients."

I Do
If you've read anything I've written over the last three years, you know that I've done my level best to stay optimistic on the subject of marriage equality. It hasn't been easy, especially when keeping up with comments from the opposition.

We Are Family
A few weeks ago the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on Proposition 8, the California law banning same-sex marriage, and the Defense of Marriage Act, the law Congress passed in 1996 that defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman.