All results / Stories / Todd Stauffer

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AFA Bearing False Witness Against Businesses?

This past week, the American Family Association put out an "action item" that accuses the "We Don't Discriminate" campaign of being ... discriminatory.

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I Was Wrong About Farish

Design your neighborhood for locals ... and you'll entice the tourists as well.

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The View From 2013

In cities around the country, the focus for downtowns is on small business—not big projects.

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Movin' On Up ... to Downtown

This week, soon after we ship this issue to the printer, we're packing up our office and moving to downtown Jackson—our first move in almost a decade.

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Jackson Market Hall, Anyone?

In Jackson, enthusiasm for a downtown arena resulted in an initial phase of feasibility studies and an attempt at fundraising spearheaded by Downtown Jackson Partners.

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The JFP Urban Development Manifesto

Both the day-to-day occurrences and the dramatic events not only shape our individual lives, but remind us that we're all together in the tempest that is our all-too-brief time here on the planet.

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Want a Better Jackson? Work With the Best

If you want to talk about "loyalty" in business, then you need to talk about more than price.

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Interesting Times

We enter the new year a bit shaken, humbled and thankful.

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Breaking: A Serious Discussion in D.C.

Donna Ladd and I had the good fortune to attend a meeting a few weeks ago at the White House as part of their initiative to reach out to small businesses around the country.

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Romney's Real Record as a 'Job Creator'

Mitt Romney detractors have jumped on the videos and stories coming from Sensata employees, saying it paints Romney and his old firm in a bad light.

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Celebrating 10 Years

Not everything about the JFP's first 10 years has been easy.

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Getting Political on the Web

With the RNC's convention just over and the DNC's rolling on as we go to press, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at where the campaigns are with their technology and offer up the websites and apps (in addition to, naturally) that you'll need to track this crazy election to its conclusion in November.

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Techy Tools and Apps for Students

Headed to college—or back to college —and want to take some tech with you?

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On Milestones and Missions

As we push into August 2012, the Jackson Free Press has a couple of milestones to celebrate and a few to look forward to.

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Spotify: Disrupting the Disruptions

It's amazing how quickly the technology "disruptions" come these days.

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Biz Federation Needs Context

It seems like the releases from the National Federation of Independent Businesses ( are coming fast and furious these days.

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What's the Deal with Google+?

For Google+, the question on many people's minds—if they think of Google+ at all—is "Why should I spend time on Google+?" And for many people, they haven't gotten a good enough answer.

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Managing Projects, Tasks and Info

The recent wholesale upgrade to the Jackson Free Press website was quite an undertaking. For the first time since 2002, we have completely changed not just to a new design, but to an entire new "backend" as well, switching to a different Content Management System, or CMS, for our stories, events, restaurant listings and so on.

Working in Groups

My problem is a simple one that may be familiar: In the nonprofit I'm part of, too much "group stuff" happens in long email exchanges. Like a lot of volunteer organizations, we get a bunch of work done in committee, department and board meetings, when everyone is on the same page and focused. But outside those meetings, real life often gets in the way. Things don't happen between meetings—or people just can't connect to get things done—with the result that some projects take longer than you'd hope.

Create a ‘Club Newsletter' for your Biz or Group

I am surprised when I find a local business or organization—restaurant, retailer, non-profit—that isn't using an email newsletter service to reach their loyal customers and clients. Email newsletters offer a wonderful opportunity to follow up with clients, reminding them of sales, trunk shows, happy hours, bands, giving opportunities and more.