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PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Times They Are a Changin’ at the JFP

Let's jump right to it—we're announcing exciting changes with this issue. We've been planning for months how we will best serve the reader, how we serve local businesses and help make Jackson the best place we can moving forward.

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PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Complacency vs. The Permission to Care Deeply

One of the biggest letdowns of the modern era—and the money involved in American politics—is the complacency that sets in once someone gets into office.

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PUBLISHER'S NOTE: The Solution Isn’t Rocket Science; It’s Community

The more hands-off we are, the more we can find other people to blame for society's ills; the more we make selfishness a virtue, the less we actually act in our self-interest by being engaged civically and using our collective talents, intelligence and hard work to solve problems.

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PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Celebrating Local Urban Warriors for 16 Years Now

In the first-ever full issue of the Jackson Free Press in October 2002, we had a Best of Jackson ballot, with plans to reveal the winners the following January—just as we do to this day, 16 Best of Jackson ballots and celebrations in.

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Celebrating 15 Years in the DIY City

The Jackson Free Press is 15 years old. It's still sinking in a little. No, it doesn't seem like "yesterday" to me when we started the JFP—because it's been a long road, and sometimes a tough one.

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Editorial Awards Encouraging for Our 15th Anniversary

Real solutions to violent crime start with understanding how we got to where we are—what's systemic about the problem—and what the best practices are for interrupting violence and setting young people on a better path with the full support of responsible and invested adults in their community.

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Shop, Eat and Drink Local This Fourth!

We're deep into our 15th year of publishing as July 4th rolls around, which means we at the Jackson Free Press have being doing something else for a decade and a half—encouraging people to shop local first.

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Let’s Elect Lumumba on June 6 and Get Organized

I've had a number of great conversations recently with local business people who are curious to see where our city is headed now that the primary is behind us, and it appears that Chokwe Antar Lumumba, who surprised many by winning the primary outright, will be our next mayor.

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Doers, Builders, Creators: Let’s Get Organized

I've been saying it for a hot minute about Jackson, and particularly about creatives, professionals and local business interests in Jackson—we need to get organized.

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What We’re Looking for in a Mayor

With the mayoral primary just a few weeks away, we've been discussing our JFP endorsement possibilities; we haven't yet chosen a candidate, but we've been talking about the criteria.

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Growing Jackson’s Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

There's a word for what Jackson has developed for certain industries, especially food, medical-technology, nonprofit and government work, even law—it's an "ecosystem."

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Want Change? Get Involved

Some exciting things are happening in technology and entrepreneurship in Jackson this year.

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Providing Hope for Kids Is In Our Self-Interest

By identifying kids and their needs when they start getting in trouble, and then interrupting that pattern and getting them "wraparound" services, you give them a better chance at making it through the rough patches and into productive lives.

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We’ve Already Given Trump ‘A Chance’

This year, unlike any I remember, many of us—polls suggest it's a majority of Americans—will watch with a new level of trepidation. And we wonder, "What, exactly, should we give Trump a chance to do?"

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Think Global, Art Local

December is always an interesting month at the Jackson Free Press. Right after Thanksgiving, we promote local shopping with our Small Business Saturday focus and our local gift guides throughout the month of December; it's also right now that the Best of Jackson finalists ballot is live for readers to give their opinion on the best local, unique people and places that Metro Jackson has to offer.

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Looking for Leaders, Equitable Thinking

For years, I figured I'd like to go through Leadership Greater Jackson, but it "wasn't the year" for me—not enough time to commit or money or both—but this year, when I learned someone was willing to nominate me, I asked around and got good feedback from former participants, so I took the plunge.

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Jackson Teens Need Mentors, Opportunity

If Reeves and other state GOP officials really want to see crime come down in the capital city, are they ready to allocate resources to both academic education, early-education and after-school programs, and to equitably encourage 21st-century extra-curricular programs such as youth digital media projects?

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‘Shift Your Shopping’ During Independents Week

As we pause this week to consider what makes this country great, I'd like to suggest that you think about the small, local, independent businesses that make this region a unique place to live, while building wealth, independence and character in metro Jackson.

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Episcopal Bishop: Priests Can Wed Gay Couples Without My OK

Episcopal priests in Mississippi no longer need to seek the bishop's permission to perform weddings for same-sex couples.

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Juvenile Crime: Identify the Problem

It may not be your fault, but it is your problem. It's our problem. And so far, solving problems seems to be pretty much our saving grace as a species—which is a good thing considering how many problems we create. Let's get to work.