All results / Stories / Ronni Mott

Innocence Personified

At 13, Lior Liebling is a kid with a great sense of humor. He is innocence personified, pure joy and happiness, living fully in the present moment. His favorite joke? April Fools, where he can tell a little white lie just to see your reaction.

The Greenhouse Effect

If your mama was anything like mine, you probably heard "Eat your vegetables!" more than once at the supper table when you were a kid. As grownups, though, we've all read numerous times that eating a diet rich in fresh fruits, veggies and grains will make us feel better, look better and live longer.

Is It Safe, Yet?

The 2006 bagged spinach E. coli outbreak ended Oct. 6, 2006. The Food and Drug Administrationtraced all infections to fields owned by Natural Selection Foods in California, but they don'tknow (or aren't saying) what caused the outbreak; media speculation ran from deer to field hands.The total infected was 204 people in 26 states; 103 required hospitalization and three died.

A Good Day to Die

The life force, our survival instinct, is incredibly strong. For most of us, dying is not something to look forward to. Mostly, we don't want to talk or even think about death. But for those living with incurable illnesses, life often becomes so painful that it's no longer worth living. What then?

Rocky Horror Picture Show Virgin's Guide

In Rocky Horror Picture Show parlance, a "virgin" is anyone who's never seen RHPS (that's "Rocky Horror Picture Show," the movie) in a theater. Seeing it on TV doesn't count (TV virgin), renting the DVD doesn't count (Video virgin), and even seeing the play really doesn't count (Stage virgin). Personally, I have my doubts about the last one.

Bananas and Peanuts

Buff, good-looking Rus Blackwell lay on the floor like an overturned bug, feet flailing in the air. Wild-eyed, Turner Crumbley was on his knees staring intently at Blackwell's crotch. "Push, push!" Crumbley demanded.

Relevancy of Roots

Modern roots music has hit a creative low in recent years. Artists have shown decreasing concern for progressing the genre, focusing instead on "authenticity." The Felice Brothers are a challenge to this turn-back-the-clock mindset.

[Fly] Beginner's Guide To Wine

When it comes to wine, a little knowledge goes a long way. You can get a nice white for under $10, but stick to $15 an up for reds. Here are some other wine basics to get you started:

Tuesday: Hormone Replacement Seminar

Do you feel like your get-up-and-go has got up and gone? The problem could be related to declining hormones.

Another Reason to Come to Fondren Unwrapped

Here's an e-mail I received today from the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society:

Like you need one to come out to one of the the holiday season's premier shopping events, right? Well, you could buy a gift book about Mississippi and do a good deed at the same time.

Share Your Health Care Vision

<i>(Verbatim from the Mississippi Health Advocacy Program</i>

In less than 3 months a new American President will be sworn in and tasked with addressing the nation's healthcare challenges. Voting in yesterday's election was not your only opportunity to voice your concerns on health care.

Didja Vote? Have Problems?

Get voting info/advice/help numbers here.

Indigo Changes

America's baby boom generation set out to change the world in the '60s and '70s, and they succeeded. Marching together, they helped stop an unjust, undeclared war and made choice a legal reality for women. They also ushered in an age of increased self-awareness and self-help gurus in an effort to make the closely examined life a life worth living. Many of them, derided as hippies and cock-eyed liberal optimists, found their place in the world by eschewing the moneyed American dream and following their hearts and consciences. Today, their children and grandchildren are on the verge of changing the world yet again.

[Fly] Setting The Table

Last year, you watched in horror as Great Aunt Petunia criticized everything about your cousin's table, from the linen to the placement of the dessert fork. Well, Petunia's on the way to your house this year, so it's time for a brief refresher course.

Excuses, Excuses

When it comes to exercise, or avoiding it, some of us have creative, if lame, excuses—my cat will miss me, for example. For the most part, though, our excuses aren't unique.

Proposing a New Model

The Internet provides a plethora of information, making it easier to find sources of unprejudiced information about any number of subjects, and sometimes making it more difficult for those who would use distortions of information to manipulate the public.

Tease photo

Disaster: A Growth Industry

"The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism" (Picador USA, 2008, $16), is so well written and researched that you will find it as difficult to put down as anything by your favorite fiction writer.

Heather Wagner

Heather Wagner credits her mother, Jane Philo, with inspiring her career in victims' rights law. Now retired, Philo spent 23 years working with victims of domestic violence in Biloxi, and Wagner saw the results of abuse first hand. "When she came and picked me up from school, that's where I went, to the shelter," she says.

Percy King

Rosie and Juno turned as Percy King sauntered down the path to meet me. "Hey, girls," King called out. "I've got carrots for ya! And I know you girls love carrots!" The two elephants, each weighing well over 8,000 pounds, lumbered in his direction to collect their treats—just like great big puppy dogs. King greeted me warmly as he tossed carrots to his biggest charges, who, with delicacy belying their huge size, picked the carrots off the ground with their trunks.

Warren Hogue

Artist Warren Hogue, 25, is just beginning to find his voice as a painter. His works are already powerful, though, with bold, saturated colors and heavy brush strokes reminiscent of Van Gogh.