All results / Stories / Ronni Mott

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Who Loves Ya, Baby?

Before we can give love freely, we first have to love ourselves. It doesn't begin "out there."

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BCBS Change Sparks Concerns, Legislation

Dr. Elizabeth Perry and other health professionals are concerned about a new "benefit" that Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi has added to its plans this year to end prescription coverage for medications prescribed by out-of-network doctors.

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Women’s Rights, Safety Again at Issue

Sen. Joey Fillingane, R-Sumrall, knows his anti-abortion "heartbeat" bill likely will not survive the current session of the Mississippi Legislature, but he introduced it anyway.

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Fondren After 5 Reboot, Health-Care Facility and Restaurant Ready to Launch

With the introduction of a new health-care business, Jackson City Council President Charles Tillman said his council colleagues are becoming the A-Team of economic development.

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Jackson Rising Emphasizes Cooperatives

The topic was forming cooperatives when community leaders met with Jackson citizens Thursday night at the Jackson Roadmap to Health Equity center on Livingston Road.

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New BCBS Policy Raises Alarm

Physicians are alarmed about a new Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi policy that could take effect as early as Feb. 1. The insurance giant proposes to end prescription coverage for medications prescribed by out-of-network doctors.

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Council Hears Zoning Issues; Certifies Election

Jackson City Council members heard opposing views on zoning issues on Tuesday, Jan. 21, and some briefly called into question the results of Jan. 14 vote to approve a 1-percent sales tax to pay for work on the city's crumbling infrastructure.

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Dems Push for Fair Pay

Democrats in the state Legislature are advocating a number of bills that put equal pay for women in the forefront.

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Pro-Immigrant Agenda Unveiled at Capitol

During MIRA's Civic Engagement Day, attendees walked from the MIRA office on North State Street to the state capitol.

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Clay Hardwick Turns Up the Arts

Clay Hardwick doesn't name his canvas creations. Instead, each piece carries the year, a season and a sequential number: "2012-fall-08," for example.

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Experts Stress Online Safety for Teens

Parents must be aware of how their children are interacting in an era of instant communication, and they must exercise control over spaces where nothing ever disappears—even when it's not true.

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Start Where You Are

Every journey has a beginning. Trying to start in the middle—or at the end—is unrealistic and can leave us frustrated and defeated, even with a healthy dose of positive thinking.

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State Buckles Under Steep College Costs

New information from account-management service, a subsidiary of media conglomerate Hearst Corp., shows that Jackson is among the cities with the highest average student-loan debt.

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Fighting Violence With Yoga

The therapeutic benefits of practicing yoga are well documented, but this coming weekend, the power of yoga will be on display in a different way.

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Joyce Helmick: ‘Prove It’

Joyce Helmick has taught school for more than 37 years. In July, she took the leadership reins at the Mississippi Association of Educators, an organization that provides professional development for teachers, and represents their interests in the state Legislature and throughout the public- school system.

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Tea Party Express Makes First 2014 Endorsement: McDaniel Over Cochran

The California-based Tea Party Express came to the Mississippi Capitol this morning to announce that it is endorsing state Sen. Chris McDaniel, a Republican from Jones County, to replace Republican Sen. Thad Cochran in the U.S. Senate.

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‘Standing Close By’ The JFP Interview with Dr. Hannah Gay

Dr. Hannah Gay received international acclaim after the news of an apparent “cure” of an HIV-infected child in her care became public in March.

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Pearl Targets Low-Income Rentals

The city of Pearl is turning into a case study in ever-changing and ever-more-restrictive rental ordinances, which have some folks mad as hell.

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My Opening Farewell

After my many years with the JFP in numerous roles, the names and faces of all the dedicated souls who passed through the doors are too many to count or name here. My grateful thanks and warm wishes go to each of you for peace, happiness and success. Be kind to each other.

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Exchanges are Here, Like it or Not

Today, Oct. 1, 2013, marks day one of the health-insurance exchanges as outlined in the 2010 Affordable Care Act, aka "Obamacare," President Barack Obama's landmark health-insurance reform act.