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Lies and Damned Lies, a non-profit, non-partisan project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, bills itself as the voters' consumer advocate. The organization checks TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews, and news releases for factual accuracy and reports its results on its website.

Beloved Farish

On its Facebook page, the Farish Street/Main Street Project says that it "seeks to stimulate revitalization in the Farish Street Historic District by encouraging cooperation and building leadership in the business, residential, church, city, state and community partners of the District."

A Mind/Body Bookshelf

Wellness is more than just the absence of illness. It incorporates the whole being, body, mind and spirit. Physicians and psychiatrists have studied and written about wellness for decades (at least), so we know their interest in wellness is far from being some new-fangled, new-age fad.

The New American Myth

When I was 6 years old, the concept of zero made my brain hurt. "How can there be nothing?" I wailed in utter frustration. "Even when you take away all the apples and all the oranges, you still have the basket; you still have the air!"

Reverence and the River

I love thunderstorms. From the safety of a covered porch, a nighttime thunderstorm can be a truly awe-inspiring natural light-and-sound show on par with the best July 4 fireworks. Just watching those jagged stabs of light streaking across a dark sky can produce visceral reactions.

Begin Today

"If we do not change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed." —Chinese Proverb.

Hard Decisions

If you are a child with aging parents, or a caring parent with foresight for your children, here are some of the documents that will help you deal with end of life decisions. As difficult as they may be to complete, they will be a comfort during times of high stress and crisis.

Thanks for Brooklyn

It seemed everyone knew one another, and always, always someone was looking out and watching over the kids.

From At-Risk to OK

Constant, intense stimulation, pressure to do more and better, media and peer pressure, and life's everyday changes bombard kids from all directions. Living in atmospheres of poverty, crime and abuse puts additional enormous stress on families and children.

Come Together

I once had a client who considered himself completely uncreative. An entrepreneur with a thriving small business, Mr. Jones (not his real name) had a peculiar stance about artists: He couldn't understand why they were necessary, couldn't see why anyone would give them the time of day and considered their "sensitive" natures a bunch of malarkey. It is merely social habit, he said, that allows artists to get away with being thin-skinned and quirky.

Shine a Light

What if you could actually see your own pain and that of everyone around you? That is the question at the heart of "The Illumination" , best-selling author Kevin Brockmeier's latest work of fiction.

Who's Fooling Whom?

No one likes to be fooled.

Weight Loss Success

You may think losing weight has to be complicated, but the bottom line is pretty simple: Eat less; exercise more. You have to consume fewer calories than you burn off.

Questions for the Doc

When you go for a physical, be prepared to let your doctor know about any physical or emotional problems (like depression or anxiety) you may be having.

Tease photo

Who Gets Hurt in Budget Cuts?

Poor children are much more likely to experience hunger than those who aren't poor (23 percent vs. 4 percent).

Raise Your Voice

Imam Ali Siddiqui is intimately familiar with the destructive nature of religious fundamentalism and the problems of immigration in the modern world. Born in 1944, his family fled their native India in 1950, in the wake of that country's liberation from the British Empire and India's partition into Hindu and Muslim countries. That division created majority-Muslim Pakistan, and the Siddiqui's family settled there.

Come Together

Musician and Jackson State University student Andrew Dillon felt a hole in his heart growing during the induction ceremony for the university's new president, Carolyn Meyers, last Friday. That hole was because of Nolan Ryan Henderson III, who was murdered March 24 allegedly at the hands of his cousin.

A Wish List for DV Legislation

With all the new faces in the Mississippi Legislature this year, advocates for new and strengthened laws to protect victims of domestic violence are being non-committal about the specific legislation they plan to introduce during this year's session.

Rape Victim: Fix the System

A rape victim asked Gov. Haley Barbour why he was allowing her rapist out on furlough. His answer may surprise you. Or maybe not.

Green Gold

The search for jade's source in the Americas took on the air of mystery when evidence of forgotten, ancient and highly sophisticated civilizations emerged from the equatorial jungles. Where did it come from?