All results / Stories / Lacey McLaughlin

Hundreds March to Heal and Denounce

Community organizers and leaders see the Aug. 14 vigil for James Craig Anderson as the first step toward community healing and racial reconciliation.

Will Killing Legislators' Perks Work?

If elected governor, Bill Luckett says he will end the states' Supplemental Legislative Retirement Program and use those savings to fund education.

The Convention Hotel Race

City leaders are racing the clock to make a decision by the end of this month on whether to finance a convention center hotel.

Making Amends

The Aug. 2 Republican primary for Madison County sheriff was a fierce race with five candidates vying for the post. Madison County Sheriff Toby Trowbridge will retire this year. One of the candidates, Mark Sandridge, caught the most media attention this spring after his campaign portrayed Jackson in a negative light.

Republican Cat Fight for District 25

When it comes to their platforms, there aren't many differences between the Republican candidates for the state senate's district 25. Will Longwitz, a Madison attorney, and Charles Barbour, a businessman and former Hinds County supervisor (and nephew of Gov. Haley Barbour), both preach limited government and fiscal responsibility, and both share conservative values. Perhaps that's why the District 25 race has been an endless political tug-of-war between the candidates as they try to gain votes in this close race. Whoever wins the Republican runoff election Aug. 23 will face Democrat Cecilia Sampayo in the Nov. 8 general election.

Ablene Cooper to Appeal ‘Help' Decision

Attorneys for Ablene Cooper claim Kathryn Stockett used their client's name and image without permission in "The Help." Hinds County Circuit Judge Tomie Green threw out her case this morning, however, saying Cooper did not file her complaint against the author within a one-year statute of limitations. Cooper's attorneys say they will appeal Green's decision.

Millsaps Ranks High; Auto Plant Expands

The Environmental Protection Agency has chosen Jackson to be part of the Greening America's Capitols initiative.

Community Stands Against Racial Injustice

As more than 500 community leaders, families and public officials held candles and sang "This Little Light of Mine" last night, they walked in unison along Ellis Avenue to honor the life of James Craig Anderson and take a stand against racial injustice.

JRA Hires Consultant for Convention Hotel

By the end of this month, city leaders should have an independent study to determine whether the city of Jackson should help finance a long-awaited convention center hotel.

Where the Sewage Ends

For the past year and a half, residents on Edmar Place in east Fondren have heard the continuous rumblings from a generator as it pumps sewage out of the ground and sends it to the city's sewage treatment facility.

Creating a Spectacle

At 7:05 a.m. Aug. 2, Republican Executive Committee Chairman Pete Perry received an urgent call from a poll worker at the Wynndale Precinct in Terry. The poll worker told him that candidates' names for certain races were not appearing on some of the electronic voting machines, and he needed more paper ballots quickly.

Stokes to Resign from City Council

Jackson Ward 3 City Councilman Kenneth Stokes said he plans to resign from City Council in order to serve as Hinds County's new District 5 supervisor.

Downtown Gets More Housing

Adrian Turner, president of the home-building company Major Associates, said last week that her company will renovate its office at 207 West Amite St. to include residential units.

Hinds Officials Point Fingers

After five days of tension and confusion over the results of Hinds County Elections, the Hinds County Democratic Executive Committee expects to return to the county courthouse tomorrow and certify Tyrone Lewis as the official winner of the sheriff's race.

Hinds County Officials Spar, Returning to Courthouse Sunday

After more than two days of resolving conflicts over the Tuesday's elections, election officials and campaign supporters will head back to the Hinds County Courthouse at 9 a.m. Saturday to continue counting ballots and resolving voting issues.

Robert Barbour

Jackson businessman Robert Barbour saw an empty lot in Midtown as an opportunity to engage with the community. Barbour, who owns Star Grocery on Bailey Avenue, will turn the space into a family festival Saturday during "Mid-Town ThrowDown."

Election Confusion Results in Unknowns

The Hinds County Sheriff's race wasn't the only primary race contested yesterday. Gay Polk, Democratic candidate for state representative of district 73, says she received several calls from voters in her district who were not able vote for her because she wasn't on the ballot.

Searching for Dems at the Fair

As Democratic governor hopeful Johnny DuPree took the stump at the Neshoba County Fair, he looked at a majority-white crowd waving signs supporting Phil Bryant and Gov. Haley Barbour.

Tease photo

Measuring Progress: The Evolution of Downtown Jackson Partners

Downtown Jackson Partners President Ben Allen resembled a proud father during a presentation to downtown property owners at the Mississippi Museum of Art on May 26. A video displayed images of a vast cityscape, streets filled with smiling young professionals and renovated lofts.

Hinds County Sheriff's Race Not Over

Candidates and concerned citizens filled the basement of the Hinds County Courthouse this morning as they waited for the Hinds County Election Commission to certify remaining ballots that could determine the winner of the sheriff's race. After reports of polls opening late, and candidates left off ballots at the Wynndale precinct in Terry, supporters of Hinds County Sheriff Malcolm McMillin are questioning the validity of the ballots.