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[Stiggers] Loosen the Screws

Sometimes events in life force you to make adjustments, just like that company did when it laid you off. It's time for you to loosen those screws. Rise up and move forward. Hijacking a plane won't help you.

[Garrott] The ‘Other' Fan

Football gives us something better to chat about in elevators other than, 'It's hot' or 'It's really, really hot.'

Crossing the Street

One night when I was a teenager, a terrified woman showed up at our front door. "Help me," she begged, crying and looking over her shoulder toward the house across the street. "He is angry. He is beating me. He might kill me."

Learning to Win

Near the end of August every year, I start getting jittery. Yes, I'm ready for cooler temperatures. I also like being a Libra and having an October birthday--the big 5-0 this time!--and I love the crispness and smell of Autumn air. Football weather, I call it, just like my daddy did.

[Stiggers] Teachable Moment

In the meantime, it's up to us to be positive and continue a good relationship with our loyal customers by honoring the Jojo's Discount Dollar Store slogan: 'In the ghetto, everything is everything, but, at Jojo's, everything will always be a dollar.

[Stiggers] What A Wonderful World

Although most will gripe, moan and complain, all I have to say, 'If we had gotten involved and voted, we wouldn't be in this mess today. And the rich will think to themselves, 'What a wonderful world.'

[Anderson] One Simple Act

Having a world that was new to me waiting around every corner was exciting and appealing.

Be Our Guest

One of the most famous love stories ever told comes to Jackson in October: Disney's "Beauty and the Beast." W. Kessler Ltd. brings the musical, based on a French fairy tale, to Thalia Mara Hall (225 E. Pascagoula St.) Oct. 18 to 20.

[Mamoon] We Are Jackson

Living in Jackson, we have the power to touch lives and change things, and I don't think there is anything more interesting than that.

[Stiggers] Hustle Mode

If you're mad as hell and not going to take it any more, come to the east wing of the Clubb Chicken Wing Multi-Purpose Complex and join the Hustle family, the Ghetto Science Franchise Association and the 'Lord, I Don't Have a Job Center for Unemployment' staff at the 'Hustle for Survival and Sanity in a Bad Economy Future Entrepreneur Expo.

Vol. 9, No. 44

<b>The Rose of South Jackson</b>

One of those myths is race. We humans are the only creatures to have a brain accommodating vivid imaginations, and since different groups of us look differently and have developed different cultures, some have come to believe they are separate and better than others. And there are aliens about, and gods living on Mount Olympus.

[Stiggers] Poor Folks' Last Supper

The Ghetto Science Community Bureau of Parks, Museums and Cultural Affairs decided to have a 'Great Wall of Artistic Expression' built within the Clubb Chicken Wing Multi-Purpose Complex. This wall will feature various murals from reputable artists from the Ghetto Science Community. Therefore, it is befitting to kick off this grand opening by unveiling another poignant and controversial artistic expression from our dear Brother Sylvester, the Christmas Missing Toe artist.

Washing Our Souls

On a balmy night last month, I was walking along Frenchmen Street in New Orleans with heavy thoughts. Life suddenly seemed like a game show with so many different paths and choices that come with inevitable disappointments and victories. I pondered the best investment of my time and the sacrifices I would need to make in order to meet my goals. Would it all be worth it in the end?

[Mott] Shine On

In his classic work on creativity, "The Gift," Lewis Hyde likens artistic output to the gift giving of indigenous people. Creativity is a sacred thing to be shared and passed on, like a fine pipe of tobacco among some Native Americans, not something to be squirreled away or used up for personal gain. "Whatever we have been given is supposed to be given away again, not kept," he writes.

[Purvis] Dealing with the Devil

DeeDee didn't attend church much, but he was a man who believed in a day of judgment.

[Head] One Mississippi, Two Mississippi

This is not a new disease. This is an acute symptom of a very old chronic disease.

[Stiggers] Law of Self-Preservation

During our morning staff meeting, Jojo went into a philosophical mode to address why companies, small businesses and corporations are slow on hiring.

[Stiggers] Throw Up Your Hands

From my perspective, the world is a ghetto dealing with the inner city blues. It makes you want to holler, weep, wail, scream and throw up both your hands, right?

The Greatest Cause

It was my final semester in college, and I arrived in the Pendleton Learning Center for BA 465, Human Relations and Values. The class would help me finish my graduation requirements to walk that May.

Second Best Ideas

I vividly remember the day when Ward 1 City Councilman Ben Allen bounded into my office at the Jackson Free Press. During the Frank Melton mayoral administration, it wasn't unusual for Allen to pop by; we didn't agree on everything and fought like banshees on the Internet from time to time, but we were on the same page when it came to some of the crazy coming out of city hall. We found common ground on the need for Jackson, and particularly downtown, to get its groove back.