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[Greggs] No, Are You OK?

As some of you know, I've been a social worker in this great state for about eight years now. Just don't tell that to the men I date. They'd have a hard time figuring out how I've been working a real job with a master's since I was 15. (Hey, every woman has her secrets.)

At Least I Know I'm Free

I had a religious experience in Hal & Mal's the other night.

Tarring and Feathering Faye Peterson

I was sitting in the student center at Belhaven College Friday afternoon, participating in a media-ethics forum with several other media leaders from around town. The conversation was compelling, and there was a great deal of mea culpa (not to mention JFP back-patting, I'm happy to report) over how local media covered, or did not cover, Frank Melton's shenanigans during the campaign and in the early months of his tenure as mayor.

We Can Do It!

I sure do love it when a plan comes together.

[Halkias] Love Lost and Gained

On a recent drive home, I started crying, in part because of an argument I had with my mom. I also had a mix of emotions after a weekend trip to New Orleans to visit a close friend and to see Arcade Fire perform at Jazz Fest.

[Stiggers] When Life Gives You Lemons

Pookie Peterz: "Welcome to the Ghetto Science Economic Summit for Unemployed Folk Forced into Entrepreneurship. Tonight, Rudy McBride of the Let Me Hold Five Dollars National Bank presents the Residual Income Initiative: a new perspective into overcoming joblessness."

JPS Students Need Strings

Sometimes I wonder if the people in charge of making decisions about education realize we are the future. We kids are affected by the school board's decision to cut out important extracurricular activities such as strings.

[Balko] The System's Epic Fail

When the SWAT team came for Richard Paey in 1997, it battered down the front door of the home in Pasco County, Fla., where he lived with his wife, Linda, an optometrist, and their two children. Paey is a paraplegic who uses a wheelchair after a car accident and botched back surgery. He also suffers from multiple sclerosis. The cops were there because Paey was accused of distributing the medication he used to treat his chronic pain, even though there was no evidence he had sold or given away a single pill. Thanks to Florida's draconian drug laws and mandatory minimum sentences, he was eventually convicted and sentenced to 25 years in prison.

[Hightower] Seven Seconds in Hell

You've got to give Mancow credit. He did it. Erich "Mancow" Muller manned up and rode "the liquid pony," as waterboarding is euphemistically called.

[Eubanks] Wig Stylist, Road Warrior

Friday, July 17 was one of my fullest, weirdest, most interesting days as an intern. I usually came into the office Monday through Thursday, but had extended my schedule as the last days of my internship approached.

Real Love Can Be Tough

Love is a funny thing. It too often earns its status as a four-letter word. It bites us in the ass. It keeps us awake and alive. It motivates us.

‘Passing the Trash'

Good job of reporting on that "Herding the Homeless" piece (volume 7, issue 29). I used to be a journalist, and I appreciate a clean, straight-forward story. But for years now, I've worked with the homeless. Thought you might like to know that people on the street refer to this herding concept as "passing the trash."

[Stiggers] I Have a Scheme

Miss Doodle Mae: "It was one of those dreary and rainy evenings. The staff and I had just finished our store-closing duties. Jojo suggested that we wait until the heavy rain lighten up before going home."

Of Paranoia and Xenophobia

See related blog thread.

[Stiggers] Good Ole Boy Obama

Mr. Announcement: "This episode of 'All God's Churn Got Shoes,' features the directorial debut of 'Little Baby Sista X' and Kunta 'Rahsheed X,' Toby's sister.

[Balko] A Shake to the System

New research into "shaken baby syndrome" could put hundreds of convictions in peril.

Frank's World

We're living through one of the worst D-movies one could imagine. In fact, this flick likely wouldn't get made in the first place because no one would buy it. Roll the videotape.

[Stiggers] Broke, Busted, Can't Be Trusted

Rev. Cletus: "This is your Reverend Cletus Car Sales radio broadcast! Remember: If you need to get from point A to B, see one of my deacons at the car lot to receive your blessing—a nice, used car. And for those looking for a ride to Bible study, praise team/choir practice or Sunday worship service, the Double Dutch Church Bus will take you there!

[Collier] Rearing Ain't for Everybody

Picture it: A woman is rolled into Choose-a-Patron-Saint's-Name Hospital, writhing in pain, cursing men and pleading with God for mercy. The contractions are coming closer together and are more difficult to bear. After 40 weeks or so, it is finally time. The little bundle of joy (or terror, whichever the case may prove to be) is on the way to make a mark on the world.

[Mott] Feed Them On Your Dreams

Earlier this week, my friend Terry e-mailed me a link to a short film from 1947 called "The Secret Lives of Cats." Two things struck me as I watched: First was the obvious affection of the two adult cats toward each other and their kittens, which was, in my experience, extraordinary. The second thing that occurred to me was the old adage, "Even a cat can have kittens."