All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

He Fired a 9mm and They Didn't Check His Background?!?

What!?! Just because a man is a "homeowner" firing at apparent "thugs" with his semiautomatic, the JPD doesn't check his background? Good Lord. There goes another Clarion-Ledger front-page hero.

Meet ‘Culture,' Clarion-Ledger Style

Just clicked into The Clarion-Ledger's new "culture" blog. This is what I found as the top post, I sh!t you not:

The Clarion-Ledger Has SOME Nerve

It continues to astound me how The Clarion-Ledger tries to take credit for the James Ford Seale conviction, even The Clarion-Ledger had dropped the ball on the case (as had the authorities), reported that Seale was dead and Jerry Mitchell had declared that there would never be justice in the case. They deserve some credit for work years ago on it, but they really ought to be a bit more humble than this, considering that they couldn't figure out how to factcheck whether Seale was really dead before reporting it:

I Heart This: Obama Gives Biden Birthday Cupcakes

Reminds me of our office, and I love our office. ;-) CNN Political Ticker:

Help with Chick Ball Cause: Shop for Clearance Easter "Chicks"!

A simple and cheap way to help the Chick Ball cause this year is to head to the closest discount store (Target, etc.), drugstore, craft sore or decoration outlet this weekend to shop the Easter clearance sales for anything with a "chick" on it. Then donate the booty to the Chick Ball committee. Remember, keep your receipt so you can deduct your donation!

‘Trolling' Anonymously Now Federal Crime

Wow. Declan McCullough of CNET reports:

About Time: Gitmo Prisoners Get Geneva Rights

AP is reporting that the Bush administration is finally allowing accused prisoners at Guantanamo Bay their rights under the Geneva Conventions:

This is why I'm still here at 8 p.m. Friday night

And I'm not the only one. Ronni is here, Ward is here; Lacey and Adam just left. We are in the middle of our huge annual issue to celebrate all that is great about our city. Someone just *now* dropped fruit and M&Ms. Mark Scurlock showed up earlier with pastries. It's as if so many of y'all are cheering us on as we sort through thousands, no millions, of little Best-of blurbs, trying to get the damn commas right!

A Correction Forthcoming, Mr. Agnew?

In his "we do community journalism, too; really, we do" column today, Clarion-Ledger Executive Editor Ronnie Agnew makes an interesting statement about his paper's Web site that we believe deserves a bit of a factcheck. When discussing his paper's stories about the state's health department, he states: "Some 60,000 of you have have used our online forums, now called StoryChat, to offer comments on that investigative series."

Hey Obama: Screw the Horse Race!

I returned to Jackson this week to discover that the Barack Obama campaign, assisted by local Democrats, tightly controlled his quick visit to Jackson last week. The media were allowed to follow him into Peaches restaurant (where Kate Medley and I took Joe Biden last year, for the record), and then were banned from his fund-raising event at the TelCom center, leading at least one JFP blogger to believe the media had ignored his visit. Unfortunately, the problem is that the media weren't really invited.

Why the South Opposes the Auto Bailout

This seems obvious, but it is worth considering. This seems obvious, but it is worth considering, per Salon:

Jack Wants to Know: Your Favorite Spot for WiFi?

Go tell us here: Free WiFi?

Also, what are your favorite services, you know like "wash and fold" or shoe repair or whatever. Tell us here: Repair Services

With Due Respect, Mr. Agnew ...

It's hilarious that The Clarion-Ledger is trying to position itself in front of the FBI investigation of Frank Melton even though they have followed, if they even bothered to do that, for the last two and a half years. (And turned a blind eye for two decades before that.) After watching The Clarion-Ledger ignore, omit and gloss over the reality of Frank Melton for so long—even refusing to follow up on the Ridgeway story until after Adam Lynch broke it here—it's truly disgusting to watch Ronnie Agnew try to grab some morsels of credit for Melton possibly being indicted by a federal grand jury. From today's pathetic column by Agnew:

This Has to Be Satire

There is no way that Wyatt Emmerich wrote the following without his tongue firmly implanted in his right cheek:

Will the Debt Deal Spell Disaster for the U.S.?

Paul Krugman explains in his New York Times column why we could be facing economic disaster as a result of the obsession over slashing spending:

Chicks We Love

Every year, the Jackson Free Press chooses a delightful slate of Chicks We Love to spotlight, and each year we host the JFP Chick Ball to raise money to fight domestic abuse in our community. This year, we decided to put them together in a new and fun way to help seed the new legal fund at the Center for Violence Prevention.

Silly Little Editorial About Melton in Ledger Today

It's really amusing to watch The Clarion-Ledger squirm over their annointed choice for mayor. Today, they start their hand-wringing editorial about Frank Melton with this:

Hey Palin: The ‘Death Panels' Are Already Here, Darlin'

Over on Salon, Mike Madden responds to ex-Gov. Sarah Palin's latest idiocy, stating what should be obvious to all of us: The "death panels" are already here:

CNN Money Wants to Hear from Jacksonians on Inauguration

All, CNN Money editor Amy Haimerl -- a very good friend of mine and the JFP -- is working on CNN Money's "real people" galleries. In advance of the inauguration, she is looking for people with good ideas about how Obama can help common Americans in these trying economic times. What should he do to fix the economy? What should he leave alone?

A ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission' for Mississippi?

What do y'all think?

Rev. Ross Olivier of Galloway mentioned an article written recently by my former professor and mentor Howard Ball about the need to establish a "Truth and Reconcolition Commission" here. I hadn't seen the piece; here it is. (And thanks to Dr. Ball for quoting me and the JFP in the piece.