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Ed Peters Making a Deal with the Feds ... Or Not?

Patsy Brumsfield is reporting on the deal-or-no-deal confusion at The Daily Journal. (Hat tip to Folo.):

Haven't We Learned Anything About Racism?

Associated Press:

One of the saddest things about society-condoned bigotry--these days against illegal immigrants--is that is always leads to violence, especially among young people who hear their elders spouting ignorance about certain groups, and then act on it. We've seen it over and over again in this state. The sad part is how hard it is to learn from our own recent past.

Living in Hell

I just finished reading a chilling historical novel, "The Healing," which resoundingly answered an oft-debated question: "What was the Civil War really about?"

Big AP Investigation Skewers Palin-the-"Reformer"

So much for all the mavericky "reformer" talk: the Associated Press is showing just how Gov. Sarah Palin has been bilking her own state for thousands of dollars. Lucky for Alaska that John McCain picked her; otherwise, they might not know just how un-reformish their governor really is. Gotta love the luxury hotel in New York for Bristol part. The long piece begins:

Yet Another Reason to Vote for Barack Obama

Do it for her:

Clarion-Ledger Backtracking from ‘Tort Reform' Hysteria

It's intriguing to note that The Clarion-Ledger, after years of gullibility on the U.S. Chamber's stance on "tort reform," is now starting to question what they have not dared to question in the past. On Sunday, they ran a long opinion piece by Alex Alston (whom Adam has been quoting on these topics for years now) about Mississippi Supreme Court justices routinely reversing jury awards. And right now, they have a weekly reader poll up asking if tort reform has gone too far. (So far, more than 60 percent say yes.)

Tease photo

Snow Ice Cream: Here Are Readers' Recipes (Add Yours!)

But now for the snow ice cream recipes:

Ah, a snow day in Mississippi. It doesn't happen very often, but every time it does, southerners start craving snow ice cream. We're asking readers on Twitter and Facebook and all of you to provide your favorite snow ice-cream recipes. Here are what we've gotten so far; add your own in comments! Also, enter the JFP Snowman contest; tweet @jxnfreepress (hashtag #jfpsnowman), post to or share on Facebook anytime today! Or, e-mail to [e-mail missing].

A New Era in Jackson

"Responsibility." That was Mayor Harvey Johnson's word for what we should all vow to take as the city moves into its next era.

Letterman Nails McCain on Friend G. Gordon Liddy

A must-watch: David Letterman put it to John McCain tonight not just on Sarah Palin, but on why McCain's friendship with terrorist G. Gordon Liddy is different from the Bill Ayers scare his campaign has whipped up. (And note McCain's cheap shot at ACORN again. Pathetic.) Watch:

No More Autopsies for Steven Hayne

Radley Balko at Reason Magazine and WLBT are reporting that Mississippi's long-time de facto medical examiner, Steven Hayne, will no longer be doing autopsies in the state. Balko writes:

Does Sarah Palin Know What Hamas Is?

I'd read the transcript of her answer to Katie Couric's Hamas question, but I hadn't seen the video. This is really disturbing. Watch for yourself.

Funding Approved for Two-Way Capitol Street

Downtown Jackson Partners said today that Sen. Thad Cochran is confirming that the city will get a $3 million 20 percent matching grant in order to make Capitol Street two-way. This is great news for downtown's Renaissance efforts.

Hey McCain: Don't Insult a Man with a Facebook Page

Oliver Clark, the African American man that McCain insulted during the second debate, is striking back on his Facebook page, per MSNBC:

To: Employees of The Clarion-Ledger

To: Employees of The Clarion-Ledger

As you may have read in our newspaper or web site earlier today, The Gannett Company has announced a reduction of approximately 1000 jobs or 3 percent of the company workforce over the next two weeks. To respond to your concerns, The Clarion-Ledger took this difficult step two weeks ago when we reduced our workforce by 20 people or 5 percent of the staff.

Parker: Palin Should Step Down for the Country

In an important mea culpa, conservative Kathleen Parker is standing up and saying what many people, likely including conservatives, are thinking: Sarah Palin ought to step down. She's not qualified, and she's making a fool out of herself and McCain. Parker today:

McCain Hearts ACORN

John McCain is attacking Barack Obama by saying it is "bad judgment" to support ACORN. Ahem:

The ‘Ultimate Bridge to Nowhere'

In the veep debate, Gov. Sarah Palin dramatically mischaracterized John McCain's health-care plan, saying among other things that is "revenue-neutral." She set up one of Joe Biden's best moments in a night of many. Here's the Obama campaign's ad response to her health-care gaffe:

Each Jacksonian Can Help Fight Family Violence

Folks, this is a very special weekend, and each of us has the opportunity to help make a difference in the lives of abused families. We designed the Chick Ball to specifically allow each and every Jacksonian a way to help raise money for a Freedom Van. We welcome checks for $5, volunteer help, prizes, anything. And as of right now, we've already almost $7,000—and from all ages and backgrounds in Jackson. Thank you, thank you, thank.

Hey Media: This is Ohio, NOT Mississippi

As disgusted as I've been with the ugly race hatred that Sarah Palin has stirred up around the country, there is one tiny bright spot for me: The country is seeing how hypocritical they are when they pretend that racism is only in the South. Yes, we still have some, but they do, too. Gov. Palin is helping prove it. Here's a video of an Ohio Palin rally broadcast by Al Jazeera:

Is Palin a ‘Reformer'?

Word is that Sarah Palin's speech tonight will focus on being "a reformer." Thoughts?

(No sex-pregnancy-abortion scandal talk on this thread, please. I'm trying to break them up to make conversation talk easier.)