All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

Caroline Kennedy: Obama Like My Father

The daughter of John F. Kennedy endorsed Barack Obama this weekend on the op-ed page of The New York Times. In a statement that cannot make the Clintons happy, she said that Obama is the first potential president who has inspired her as other people say her father inspired them. Take a read:

‘Irreparable Breach' Between Blacks and Bill Clinton?

A respected African American congressman thinks so. Rep. James E. Clyburn tells the New York Times:

‘Quixotic Do-Gooders': ‘They Really Are Right'

It's good to start seeing the mainstream press in Mississippi taking seriously the idea that there may be many innocent people in our prisons due to a screwed-up judicial system and plain ole racism. Vicksburg Post editor Charlie Mitchell has a good column out about the work of the Innocence Project, which the JFP's Ronni Mott's has been chronicling for months now. Here are some money quotes from Mitchell:

So, Does This Mean Bennett Will Walk?

So, it is possible that Mayor Frank Melton has fibbed again—this time about the suspect in the Memorial Day shooting confessing to him on tape. The D.A. doesn't have the tape, the detective doesn't have the tape, and an old police friend of Melton's—whom Melton said he gave it to—won't confirm or deny whether he did. WTF? The bigger question this should raise for people is how many of the men who have "turned themselves in" to Melton over the years have ended up going free? And is that why they do it—because they know the track record might help them? We've reported numerous cases in which these men have gone free, and we have questioned why media in the past allowed Melton to pit them against the JPD when they complained about him and his cop friends "bringing in" certain criminals.

Are ‘HillPublicans' True Dumba$$es?

Just ponderin'. (See Alternet article).

OK, if all these desperate Republicans are going to follow Rush Limbaugh's advice and turn out to vote for Hillary Clinton in order to try to keep Obama (and his turnout) from beating McCain in November, then why in holy hell don't they *not* telling the exit pollsters what they're up to? Because, uh, doesn't it rather negate the purpose of trying to get Democrats to think that Clinton is more electable (when she's not) by 'fessing up to your crossover-crime as soon as you leave the poll booth? I'm thinking this just makes the Republican Party look kinda out of tricks, no?

Does Parental Notification Reduce Abortion?

Not really, a New York Times analysis has found:

Youtube: Haley Barbour's ‘Trophy Wife' Gaffe

Also see: Jackpedia: Haley Barbour

Look at All the 2009 Chick Ball Art and Prize Donors!

With the 5th Annual Chick Ball just days away, we are excited to celebrate the triumphs of domestic violence survivors, as well as the creative talents of women artists and musicians. The evening will also include a silent auction of art and gifts. All proceeds of the Chick Ball, including winning bids in the silent auction, go directly to the Center For Violence Prevention. Here's a list of some of our generous donors. View a full color shopping guide in the current Jackson Free Press.

Sun Columnist, Better Jackson PAC Member Goes After JFP, ‘Takes Back' N-JAM Label

OK, this is funny. In his rush to defend the controversial and secretive Better Jackson PAC, which he apparently helped organize, Northside Sun columnist David Sanders is attacking the 'flatulence' of the Jackson Free Press. This column is simply delightfully defensive, and evasive, in that it does not address why Sanders' and Wilson Carroll's PAC did not file donor reports until three hours before the polls closed under pressure from the JFP and many Jacksonians, even though Two Lakes supporters John McGowan put $6,000 into the PAC back in April, which meant they should have filed a report before the primary.

Anti-Semitism at Jackson-Based Right-Wing Blog?

Over at Ipse blog, attorney Jim Craig is calling out the local right-wing blog run by Alan Lange for anti-Semitism for a rather remarkable video they've cooked up against Travis Childers and sent out into the world. (And one wonders why the world thinks so poorly of MIssissippi?) Craig writes:

A New Contract With America?

An interesting piece in Salon today takes on the idea of what "corruption" really meant to Americans as they went to the polls last night. Exit polls showed that corruption was the top issue—even bigger than the Iraq War. Something about that fact makes me very proud to be an American today. You can only lie to and cheat the American people for so long. Arrogance lost last night. From the Salon piece:

Americans Want Higher Minimum Wage, Stem-Cell Research

The Associated Press is reporting that as Democrats take over Congress this week, a large majority of Americans are supporting the party's primary goals:

My Advice to James ‘Kingfish' Hendrix

I woke up this morning very concerned about a particular race that appears on some area ballots. No, it's not Personhood, voter ID or the governor's race, although I'm very concerned about those, too. It's about what amounts to a late entry into a local judge's race. But before I explain why I'm worried, I want you to do a quick Google on "Ronni Mott" and see what comes up. When I Google my managing editor's name, the seventh headline is, "Jackson Jambalaya: Is Ronni Mott a liar, hack, or just plain stupid?"

Fear of a Brown Planet?

Over at Reason mag, David Weigel is calling out immigration hawks ... for racism?

Tyler Edmonds Says He's ‘Dusting Off' After 5th Circuit Loss

Tyler Edmonds, who was tried as an adult for allegedly helping his sister kill her husband when he was only 13, was rebuffed yesterday by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. He and his mother, Sharon Clay, sued Oktibbeha County officials for coercing a confession out of him while one of the police officer's kept his mother out of the room with his foot against the door. Using that confession, Edmonds was accused of helping his sister Kristi Fulgham pull the trigger to kill her husband, Joey Fulgham, but later acquitted after getting a new trial.

McCain Advisers Turning on Palin the ‘Whack Job'

And Roger Simon at Politico says McCain has no one to blame but himself for the vice-presidential calamity:

Black Preachers in America's ‘Whitest City'

Our friends at the Williamette Week in Portland, Ore., are taking on a provocative topic this week: African American preachers trying to be heard after the Rev. Wright controversy in what they themselves call "American's whitest city":

Barbour-Eaves Debate 7 p.m. Thursday on MPB

Tune in to hear a live broadcast of the debate between Gov. Haley Barbour and challenge John Eaves tonight at 7 p.m. on MPB radio. Feel free to comment on the debate here.

A Giuliani-Barbour Ticket: Just Imagine

I just ran into this post on the Think Progress blog that is basically saying what I was earlier about all the revelations about his "blind trust" and his Katrina finagling hurting Barbour's chances at a veep nod. (And a hat tip to Think Progress for finding and linking my "Unholy Alliance" story about Barbour to the line-up of potential "corruption" stories.) I wrote earlier today about how Haley is becoming more poison by the day on the national scene:

WTF, Rep. Nunnelee?!?

Who ARE you, and why would you do such a thing, Rep. Nunnelee, considering you come from state where domestic abuse is such an epidemic? I mean, Haley Barbour lets brutal domestic murderers go free early, and now you go against bipartisan support for a bill that fights domestic abuse? Seriously? What kind of message does this send to abusers back here in your home state?