All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

Dear Dog Owners: Your Pets Are in Danger

A little beagle with a blue collar on Arrowhead Drive in Fondren is going to die soon. I hate to be so blunt, but whoever owns that dog is irresponsible, and doesn't deserve that wonderful little creature. When I walk by his/her house on morning walks, chances are the little dog will be outside and decide to follow me. It then runs out in front of cars and starts chasing other loose dogs in the neighborhood. It's going to get killed.

VoteVets Fight Back ...

... against the people who sent them to war, but wouldn't vote to give them adequate safety equipment. Watch:

Which Is Worse: the Race-Baiting or the Red-Baiting?

OK, you don't have to pick. Every trick-o'-the-hour the Republican Party is coming up with to try to turn the election is sleazy at this point. For instance, here's race-baiting in Wisconsin and here's more red-baiting nationally. American to McCain: If you want votes, you're going to have to stop waging bigoted attacks and tell the American people what is so great about you and Sarah Palin, and how you're going to help Main Street. You have not done that, yet, while you're bending over backward to defend George Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy. You're not fooling us.

Help High School Journalism in Jackson

A high-school journalism revolution is coming in Jackson! Please click here to donate to the Jim Hill High School journalism program; they need $936 to buy basic supplies to get started. Also, please consider donating supplies (especially white paper, dry-erase markers and jump drives) to JAHSPA, the new Jackson Area High School Press Association. The Jackson Free Press is gathering the donations.

Who Authorized Palin's $150,000 Makeover?

According to Marc Ambinder at Time, John McCain's campaign folks are squirming and defensive, now that Politico has broken the news (wonder how much that red leather jacket cost?) that the campaign spent more than $150,000 on Sarah Palin's clothes, makeup and hair—in a time when the country could be facing a depression. Even Republicans are disgusted, Ambinder says. And we can be pretty sure that trying to blame the "liberal media" won't work this time. (Betcha lot of those Saks and Bloomingdale designer duds are made in China, to boot.)

Unbelievable: McCain Calls Middle-Class Tax Cuts 'Welfare'

Mr. Keep-Trickling-Down-From-the-Rich McCain is calling middle-class tax cuts "welfare"! Does he truly think that the only real "tax cuts" are those for the very wealthy?!? Dallas Morning News:

About Time: CNN Does "The Palins and the Fringe" Story

Over a month after the JFP story, "Palin and the Fringe," and about 10 days after Sarah Palin launched a vicious "terrorist" smear campaign against Barack Obama, CNN did a long piece today about the Palins' connections to the anti-government patriot movement in Alaska:

Please, McCain, Attack the 'Arab'

Since Gov. Sarah Palin started scaremongering against Barack Obama last weekend, John McCain's rallies are turning into surreal displays of bigotry. Today in Minnesota, finally, he tried to tamp down the hate some—before contining his attempt to associate Obama with Bill Ayers in the same gathering. Following is a video of his exchanges with angry supporters, including a disraught woman who tells McCain she is scared of Obama because he is an "Arab."

Palin-McCain Spreading Hate in the Lower 48

And they need to reel it in. Fast. This is ugly, and dangerous. Watch this one, as Palin encourages more.

My Favorite Palin Moment, Yet

This is a truly stupendous moment. Just look at Katie Couric's face as she presses Palin for those examples of McCain's attempts at regulation and then Palin's response:

McCain Tries to Bar Media From Palin at UN; CNN Rebels

The McCain campaign's efforts to keep Sarah Palin from embarrassing herself in front of the media is reaching ridiculous depths. Today, to their credit, CNN threatened to not show any footage of her effort to look presidential if the McCain camp followed through on restricting all reporters except for cameras. (She likes cameras.) Here is CNN's blog report on the mess.

Obama: 'We Must Also Help Main Street'

Barack Obama wants the government to give attention to families and workers as well as the financial industry. CNN reports:

McCain Campaign Head Paid $2 Million to Stop Mortgage Regulations

The New York Times has the story of the day (of the campaign?):

Grand White Party

Saddest of all is that the Republican Party has essentially made no strides on race issues, as was in shocking evidence last night as Sarah Palin, Rudy Guiliani and Mitt Romney threw red meat, and belittlement of Obama, at an extremely white crowd. The Washington Post called it today in this story, In a More Diverse America, A Mostly White Convention:

Palin's $50,000 Office Makeover ... into 'Bordello' Red

Salon is reporting that Sarah Palin shocked Wasilla when she spent $50,000 from a city highway fund to re-do her mayoral office:

Wall Street Journal: Of Palin's Earmarks and McCain's Lies

Even as John McCain said this week that Palin asked for no earmarks as governor, The Wall Street Journal that she, indeed, asked for $453 million in projects:

Why Is Sarah Palin Sneering So Much?

Quite frankly, I'm shocked. I expected a speech from Palin that would make Americans who'd never heard of her last Friday *like* her. She's just sneering over and over agaon. I'm truly shocked at the level of nastiness here. There's a belittling tone here that I'm not used to hearing on a national stage. It feels very FOX News, and the room loves (and their return sneers reflect it), but I don't see how it plays to people who aren't going to vote for McCain already. And it could turn some off. Is she going to belittle world leaders she doesn't agree with? Weird. And puzzling.

Bristol Palin, Unmarried and 17, Is Pregnant

The drama is coming fast and furious from the abstinence-only McCain-Palin campaign today. The Washington Post is reporting:

Tease photo

McCain Chooses Alaska 'Hockey Mom' as Running Mate

The New York Times reports that Sen. John McCain has chosen a 44-year-old conservative, pro-life governor who called herself a "hockey mom" as his running mate:

Barbour's Lobbying Firm Now Open to Dems

In a dramatic sign of how the political winds have shifted, lobbying firm BRG (formerly known as Barbour, Griffith & Rogers) today announced that it has acquired a Democratic lobbying firm. This is huge because Haley Barbour and partners revolutionized what had been the bi-partisan nature of lobbying in Washington by opening a firm that would not cater to Democrats, helping create an intensely divided Washington. [...]