All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

Dems: State GOP Lying About House

[verbatim statement]By attacking the integrity of one of the state's longest-serving legislators, the Mississippi Republican Party has once again launched into their far-too-familiar practice of spreading lies and misinformation. GOP Chairman Jim Herring wants to use BIPEC ratings as a means of judging a lawmaker's commitment to economic development, but the people of Mississippi should know that BIPEC is a partisan organization that historically promotes the efforts of Republicans.

Good Times with Recio & the Gang

Michael Recio was big and hulking and provided decent cover for a reporter who wasn't used to walking up to people's homes unannounced in the middle of the night. I may have looked SWAT-chic, in the bulletproof vest the mayor loaned me, my black pants and those chocolate-brown Skechers I bought at Stein-Mart for just this occasion—but I still needed a bodyguard. And this one carried that long MP5 slung over his vest.

[Media Buzz] A Poll Is A Poll Isn't A Poll

After the Jackson Free Press broke on our blog May 15 and then in our print edition May 18 that Gov. Haley Barbour has some of the worst gubernatorial approval ratings in the country, according to a survey conducted by SurveyUSA of 600 Mississippians on May 10, we waited to see how long it would take the state's media to catch up with the news.

Street Talk: What do you think about Councilman Kenneth Stokes?

Lakesha Nichols, 24, "I think that he is a pretty fair person. I stand behind him."

Note: This thread was closed due to its length after 1,086 views and 97 comments.

Women Done Wrong

You get 10 women together, and nine of them will have a story to tell about how a man has done them wrong. Give the tenth one a little time, and she'll have a story, too, says Anita Singleton-Prather over a dinner of bacon cheeseburgers, red beans and rice and crawfish etouffee at Que Sera Sera on N. State Street. Singleton-Prather—a large boisterous black woman who will tell you she loves her food—was in town Jan. 28 in all her glory showcasing her film, "My Man Done Me Wrong," which screened at Millsaps College as part of the Southern Film Circuit. It is a story of Singleton-Prather and six other black women recounting tales of cheating men—and of how those men got their due.

BREAKING: 'Two Lakes' Developer McGowan Gave $6,000 to Secretive PAC

Two Lakes impresario John McGowan was the largest contributor to the controversial Better Jackson PAC that tried to defeat Harvey Johnson by using what the FBI calls "baseless" crime rankings in mailers.

2009 JFP Interview with Frank Melton, Part VI: Of Alcohol and Guns

In his office in February, Mayor Frank Melton talked about many issues with the Jackson Free Press. Here is an excerpt about his past abuse of alcohol and, if true, some surprising revelations about the guns he used to strap on himself to conduct nighttime "raids" in Jackson before the authorities told him to stop carrying weapons.

The 2009 JFP Interview with Frank Melton, Part V: To the DEA?

In this long excerpt of JFP editor Donna Ladd's interview with Frank Melton in February, he talks about why he's running for re-election, dying with dignity, the City Council, his two chiefs–and being hired by the Obama administration, or the U.S. Marshals, if he loses the race. (Note: much of this transcript does not appear in the print edition.)

'Live & Learn': Melton Faces the Effects of His Actions

On the first day I showed up to cover the federal trial of Mayor Frank Melton and his ex-bodyguard Michael Recio in downtown Jackson, the mayor sidled up to me with that teasing look he often gets when he sees me face-to-face.

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DA Alleges Cop Murder 'Cover-Up'

The capital murder trial of Sharrod Moore, indicted in January for the 12-year-old murder of Jackson police officer Robert J. Washington, was supposed to happen this week. But Judge Swan Yerger has pushed the case back due to the inability of both sides—the prosecution and the defense—to get the information they say they need to best try the case.

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Dairy Bar of Confusion

More than three years after Frank Melton challenged the JFP outside Bravo! restaurant to look into the rumors about him, it is clear that his Jackson web of young friends, and enemies, is complicated and crosses generational lines.

Bush Speech Justifies Indefinite War in Iraq

Here's a full, verbatim transcript of George W. Bush's speech last night at Fort Bragg:

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Please be seated. Good evening. I'm pleased to visit Fort Bragg, "Home of the Airborne and Special Operations Forces." It's an honor to speak before you tonight. My greatest responsibility as President is to protect the American people. And that's your calling, as well. I thank you for your service, your courage and your sacrifice. I thank your families, who support you in your vital work.

Why Tom Brokaw Was In Jackson — Airs Sunday, July 23


New York, N.Y. — In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, there were images that shocked America and the world. Not just the damage caused by the storm, but the sight of people left behind: inner-city blacks stranded by poverty, neglect, and failure from above and below. It's been almost a year since the storm, but in black neighborhoods across America, the same desperate conditions still exist. In the upcoming "Tom Brokaw Reports: Separate and Unequal," Brokaw travels to 200 miles north of New Orleans to Jackson, Miss., for an in-depth report on race and poverty, airing on Sunday, July 23 at 7 PM/ET on NBC.

Barbour Urges Tort Reform Rally

[Verbatim; from Barbour office) Governor Barbour is asking tort reform supporters to attend a rally at the New Capitol Building this Wednesday (2/25) at 1:30 p.m. on the second floor rotunda. He is encouraging those who attend to arrive early that morning to talk to their legislators. This week will be a very big week for tort reform legislation as both the Senate bill (led by Chairman Charlie Ross) and the House bill (led by Chairman Jeff Smith) are officially introduced in the Legislature. If we can generate enough support for either bill or both bills, we can get comprehensive tort reform legislation to Governor Barbour's office where legal reform has extremely strong support. We believe this tort reform rally will be a great event to build tort reform,s grassroots—resulting in new civil justice laws that will make our courtrooms fairer for Mississippians. We strongly encourage you to help Governor Barbour get as many people to this event as possible. Please notify your friends and encourage them to attend the tort reform rally. Again, we would greatly appreciate folks on-site by 1:00 p.m. We hope to see you at the New Capitol Building on Wednesday.

Nader Wants to Be 'POTUS'; Barbour Sez Dems 'Nervous'

AP reports: "Nader's decision was greeted with a chorus of condemnation from Democrats, longtime friends and former supporters who blame him for Al Gore's loss four years ago. They suggested that Nader would not pull close to the 2.7 percent of the vote he won before without the backing of an established party and some of his past supporters."

Bill Clinton—Carville's Mafia Boss?

Does James Carville really think that people should make political decisions based on loyalty above all else? No matter what someone does? No matter who else comes along who is more impressive, and inspirational to a new generation of voters? Carville's "Judas" comment—and this column today in The Washington Post showing no remorse for it—shows how hopelessly out of touch both he and the Clintons are. You don't run a country, or elect a president, based on loyalty. That is patently absurd and and an insult to the American people. Good he's honest about what he's all about, though. This should cost the Clintons even more votes (and watch for the part where he makes it sound like Bill Clinton was the mafia boss who "made" him). This is gross:

Former Madison Central QB Indicted for Selling Drugs

WAPT is reporting that Jared Foster has been indicted in Madison County Circuit Court for selling steroids and released on a $5,000 bond. He pled not guilty and waived arraignment.

Lose Your Home, Lose Your Vote?

[Verbatim] Today the voting rights group Project Vote sent letters to both major political parties in 10 states—AZ, CO, FL, GA, MO, NC, NM, NV, PA, and VA—urging them to "oppose and refrain from" using lists of home foreclosures as the basis for "voter caging" operations. Project Vote also sent letters to secretaries of state in each of these states, outlining existing state and federal legal protections for voters, and urging election officials to "take all lawful steps" to protect foreclosure victims and other Americans from being disenfranchised based solely on returned mail or residency challenges.

UPDATED/URGENT: What to Donate NOW in Jackson/on the Coast

This thread orginally started Tuesday, Aug. 30, and has been updated over the last several days. Be sure to read the comments to the bottom to determine the way you can help as the needs change. And please post information here about donations, specific needs and where to take them.

Money, Supplies Needed for Nursing Home Residents

September 4, 2005/verbatim: Hurricane Katrina Destroyed Several Mississippi Nursing Homes Needs of Senior Citizens Continue to Grow