Money, Supplies Needed for Nursing Home Residents

September 4, 2005/verbatim: Hurricane Katrina Destroyed Several Mississippi Nursing Homes Needs of Senior Citizens Continue to Grow

(Jackson, Miss.) The Mississippi Health Care Foundation is accepting donations for medical and personal needs for residents of long-term care facilities displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Monetary contributions are tax deductible and can be made to the Mississippi Health Care Foundation, 114 Marketridge Drive, Ridgeland, MS 39157. Please notate contributions for "Disaster Relief."
"Many nursing homes have suffered damage, and resources are needed to continue to provide quality care to the residents of the facilities. We encourage the public to help with urgently-needed medical and personal care items. Residents would be grateful for any contribution," said Harold Beebe, president of the Foundation.

Distribution center has been reserved adjacent to the Mississippi Health Care Association headquarters at 114 Marketridge Drive in Ridgeland between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. For more information please call 601-956-3472, or 1-800-362-6430, or visit the Web site at http://www.mshca.com

"Displaced long-term care facility residents have been relocated throughout the state, and supplies to help these residents and their caregivers are in great demand," said Vanessa Henderson, MCHA executive director.

Supplies needed include:
*Baby food/formula (for children of staff, as staff have moved their families into facilities)

*Clothing (for nursing home/personal care residents; staff and their families, including children)

*Paper products (plates, napkins, cups, plastic spoons, forks, knives, etc.)

*Insulin syringes and other needles & syringes

*Hospital gowns *Admission kits *Glucometers

*Water pitchers *Basins *Bedpans

*Urinals *Feeding tube bags *Foley bags

*Vaseline *Tylenol *Multi-vitamins

*Multi-vitamins with iron *Glucerna *Ensure or any other supplement

*Hand sanitizer *Towels/wash cloths *Adult diapers

*Under pads *Mattresses *Pillows

*Sheets, blankets, pillowcases *Bath soap *Potty chairs

*Wheelchairs *Cots *Generators

*Baby wipes *Shelf stable food *Toothbrushes

*Toothpaste *Deodorant *Shaving crème

*Razors *Shampoo *Combs & brushes

*Other toiletries *Glycerin swaps *Peroxide

*Antiseptic wash *Baby diapers *Baby powder

*Foley cath trays:16, 18, 20, 22 or 24 French

The Mississippi Health Care Foundation provides financial assistance and
support for the special needs of residents of nursing home facilities. Its mission is to enhance the quality of life for residents of long-term care facilities throughout the region. Donations to the Foundation contribute towards purchasing medical and personal supplies, such as eye glasses, dentures, shoes, clothing, medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, durable medical equipment and other medically-related needs not provided by Medicaid, Medicare, or other sources.

For more information on the Foundation, please contact the Mississippi Health Care Association at 601-956-3472, or visit the Web site at http://www.mshca.com
The Mississippi Health Care Association and its members are focused on health care services to enhance the quality of life for long-term care residents. The organization is centered around the interests of providers of long-term care services, including skilled nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded, personal care homes, and assisted living facilities. MHCA is also the state affiliate for the American Health Care Association (primarily for skilled nursing facilities) and its partner, the National Center for Assisted Living (primarily for personal care homes and assisted living facilities), which together serve as a voice and an advocate for long-term care facilities on the national level.

Distribution center has been reserved adjacent to the Mississippi Health Care Association headquarters at 114 Marketridge Drive in Ridgeland between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. For more information please call 601-956-3472, or 1-800-362-6430, or visit the Web site at http://www.mshca.com

"Displaced long-term care facility residents have been relocated throughout the state, and supplies to help these residents and their caregivers are in great demand," said Vanessa Henderson, MCHA executive director.

Supplies needed include:
*Baby food/formula (for children of staff, as staff have moved their families into facilities)

*Clothing (for nursing home/personal care residents; staff and their families, including children)

*Paper products (plates, napkins, cups, plastic spoons, forks, knives, etc.)

*Insulin syringes and other needles & syringes

*Hospital gowns *Admission kits *Glucometers

*Water pitchers *Basins *Bedpans

*Urinals *Feeding tube bags *Foley bags

*Vaseline *Tylenol *Multi-vitamins

*Multi-vitamins with iron *Glucerna *Ensure or any other supplement

*Hand sanitizer *Towels/wash cloths *Adult diapers

*Under pads *Mattresses *Pillows

*Sheets, blankets, pillowcases *Bath soap *Potty chairs

*Wheelchairs *Cots *Generators

*Baby wipes *Shelf stable food *Toothbrushes

*Toothpaste *Deodorant *Shaving crème

*Razors *Shampoo *Combs & brushes

*Other toiletries *Glycerin swaps *Peroxide

*Antiseptic wash *Baby diapers *Baby powder

*Foley cath trays:16, 18, 20, 22 or 24 French

The Mississippi Health Care Foundation provides financial assistance and
support for the special needs of residents of nursing home facilities. Its mission is to enhance the quality of life for residents of long-term care facilities throughout the region. Donations to the Foundation contribute towards purchasing medical and personal supplies, such as eye glasses, dentures, shoes, clothing, medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, durable medical equipment and other medically-related needs not provided by Medicaid, Medicare, or other sources.

For more information on the Foundation, please contact the Mississippi Health Care Association at 601-956-3472, or visit the Web site at http://www.mshca.com
The Mississippi Health Care Association and its members are focused on health care services to enhance the quality of life for long-term care residents. The organization is centered around the interests of providers of long-term care services, including skilled nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded, personal care homes, and assisted living facilities. MHCA is also the state affiliate for the American Health Care Association (primarily for skilled nursing facilities) and its partner, the National Center for Assisted Living (primarily for personal care homes and assisted living facilities), which together serve as a voice and an advocate for long-term care facilities on the national level.


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