All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

Mississippi Gulf Coast in the Shadows

The New York Times reports today on the largely overlooked devastation on the Gulf Coast:

GOP Chairman Threatens Subpoenas for Katrina Docs

AP is reporting:

The Republican chairman of a House panel investigating the response to Hurricane Katrina threatened Wednesday to issue subpoenas for documents if the White House and other agencies don't provide them by Nov. 18. Rep. Tom Davis of Virginia made the commitment after a Louisiana Democrat, Charlie Melancon, pointed out the panel still hadn't seen some documents it requested more than a month ago. The original request pertains to the White House, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Health and Human Services and the states of Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi.

New Katrina Reports Rips Bush ... Again

Don't we know it. AP is reporting:

FEMA Chief Relieved of Katrina Duties

Good news: Brownie's off the case. MSNBC is reporting:

Is Bush Neglecting the Gulf Coast?

USA Today reports today that many Coast residents feel slighted by the State of the Union address:

Jackson Power May Be Out for Weeks

The Clarion-Ledger reports today that the 75 percent of Jackson resident still without power could face weeks in the dark:

FEMA Expands Disaster Area in Mississippi

[Statement from Chip Pickering/verbatim] PEARL, MISS -- Congressman Chip Pickering announced today that FEMA has added 31 counties to the individual assistance disaster designation and 29 counties have been added to the public disaster designation.

Brownie Slams States; GOP and Dems Slam Him

MSNBC is reporting:

Former FEMA director Michael Brown aggressively defended his role in responding to Hurricane Katrina on Tuesday and blamed most coordination failures on Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin. ... His efforts to shift blame drew sharp criticism from Democratic and Republican lawmakers alike. "I'm happy you left," said Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn. "That kind of look in the lights like a deer tells me you weren't capable of doing that job."

Glover and Belafonte on the ‘Poverty of Imagination'

Editor's Note: The following are texts of speechesdelivered by Danny Glover and Harry Belafonte at the Higher Ground Hurricane Relief benefit concert, an all-star jazz concert Live at Lincoln Center on Sept. 17.:

Lott, Cochran: $20 Million Approved for Katrina Recovery

[verbatim statement] WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today Hancock and Jackson counties were granted more than $20 million to restore public infrastructure and remove debris as the Hurricane Katrina recovery continues, U.S. Senators Trent Lott and Thad Cochran said.

White House Knew of Levee Break Night of Storm

The New York Times is reporting:

‘He Thought He Had a Mandate'

AP is reporting:

Hurricane Katrina swamped President Bush's second-term domestic agenda, reordering his priorities and changing the political landscape. His open-ended commitment to rebuild New Orleans and the Gulf Coast has become his No. 1 domestic imperative. Swept away was Bush's pledge to cut the budget deficit in half. His centerpiece proposal to restructure Social Security - in trouble even before the storm - probably is a casualty, too. Also suddenly endangered are his proposals to make permanent certain tax cuts, repeal the estate tax, overhaul immigration law and rewrite tax laws.

Diarrhea kills 4 in Katrina's wake

Deadly disease is spreading on the Gulf Coast:

Will Mississippi Go ‘Blue' After Katrina?

Buried in a story today by The Clarion-Ledger's Ana Radalet is an intriguing question: How many new Democratic voters will Mississippi gain due to Louisiana evacuees? One also has to wonder how many "red" voters the GOP is going to lose on the Gulf Coast due to the terrible responses to the hurricane.

GOP Using Katrina Aftermath to Gut Anti-Poverty Efforts

The New York Times is reporting that conservatives in Washington are reacting in a very cynical way to the poverty exposed to the world by Hurricane Katrina:

Barbour Overblowing Katrina Progress Claims

Read JFP's KatrinaBlog

Bill Minor takes Gov. Haley Barbour to task this week over the myth that the Coast is in such better shape a year after Katrina:

Transcript: GOP Senate Press Conference on Katrina


HUTCHISON: We are going to have the senators who are affected by this terrible natural disaster in our country, Katrina, talk about the efforts in their home states. And I want to start with Senator Lott , because he certainly suffered the most direct loss, and we have called and e-mailed both he and Thad Cochran, but so many of us had gone to his beautiful 150-year-old home and were just touched by the loss of that beautiful home.

Boil Water Alert Lifted; Other City Info


The City of Jackson and the Hinds County EOC will conduct briefings twice daily to update information in the continuing recovery efforts after Hurricane Katrina. Briefings are at 9:00 a.m. and 3 p.m. The pressroom at the Hinds EOC is available. Highlights from today's afternoon briefing:

Site for ‘Mississippi Renewal Forum'

Keep an eye on the plans of Gov. Haley Barbour's "Mississippi Renewal Forum" on this Web site. The front page states:

Overwhelmed Locals, Hesitant Feds

A New York Times analysis dissects what went wrong last week in Louisiana: