All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

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DOSSIER: Incoming DA Faces Accusations, NBC's Tentacles in Mississippi

Multiple women are accusing Jody Owens, who won the Democratic primary and faces no challenger in November, of inappropriate and sexual behavior and comments from his time as the managing attorney of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Jackson office.

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Haley's Choice: Native Son Barbour Comes Home to Run for Governor

The big sign draped between two trees next to the Neshoba County Fair pavilion in August 1982 caused a lot of drama: "Happy Birthday, Senator Stennis."

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Melton: A Cowboy Who Wants to Be Mayor

Please click here to read Donna Ladd's profile of Frank Melton.

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The Saga of Flood Control

Ever since the massive Easter Flood of 1979, the fear of another "big one" has loomed over Jackson.

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Living Local

When the Jackson Free Press launched in 2002, one of our primary goals was to help strengthen locally owned businesses.

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Walking with Mr. Meredith

F*ck you, n*gger!" It was Oct. 1, 1962, and James Meredith was finally a student at the University of Mississippi.

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A Mad Insurrection

Fifty years ago this week, James Meredith integrated Ole Miss, causing violent upheaval. Here are three books from men in the thick of the uprising.

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Raising An Army

This past Monday night, I sat in an auditorium at Millsaps College packed with students—mostly female, but many males as well—and watched the documentary "Half the Sky."

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Fire and Brimstone

For a minute, we toyed with having debates back at Neshoba Central High School in the 1970s.

FBI Arrests Three Cops, Former Hinds DA Bodyguard, 1 Other

FBI agents have arrested four (4) individuals, three of whom are former or current law enforcement officers, on charges of conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States and theft of government property.

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A Tangled Web: The Mysteries of Frank Melton

After Frank Melton urged Donna Ladd in March 2005 to look into "rumors? about his past, the JFP conducted a three-year investigation into the specifics of those allegations.

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Repeal the Rhetoric

The morning that the U.S. Supreme Court did not strike down "Obamacare" as so many believed it would do was yet another of those crazy busy days in the Jackson Free Press offices.

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Tough Questions for David Banner

"God I know that we pimp, God I know that we wrong, God I know I should talk about more in all of my songs, I know these kids are listening, I know I'm here for a mission, but it's so hard to get ‘em when 22 rims are glistening."

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Signs of Creative Life

Recently, Todd and I happened to be driving throughout downtown Jackson on a Saturday afternoon. Suddenly, we drove by one of the new art boxes.

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Epic Change

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."—Albert Einstein

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Outside the Political Box

The "cultural creatives" movement is one attempt to reject the binary division in favor of a new, more enlightened political climate.

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Time to Create

So how to convince your right-brain, distinguished self to plan and get organized? You need to learn basic principles and then practice until it becomes second nature.

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Learn to Be Inspired

We live in a world where kids who can't sit still in class are labeled troublemakers or low-performers or even ADD. But maybe they're just kinesthetic learners: that is, they need to move around in order to soak up the information.

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You, the Masterpiece

Once they reach adulthood, people tend to think that they are either creative or not, left-brain or right-brain, and never shall the twain meet.

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An Inconvenient Joke

If there is anything we now know here in Mississippi and in neighboring states, rising (or surging) oceans are nothing to belittle or use to score cheap political points.
