Town Creek Arts Festival 2013
The Mississippi Museum of Art hosted the Town Creek Arts Festival where local artists displayed …

Wishes for Change in 2015
Gandhi's call for each of us to just go become the change we want to see around us is truly the first step to creating stronger communities and bridging the division we've recently seen come out of the woodwork, and scream at us from Facebook and Twitter.
The Best Tweets from TEDx Jackson
@browndamon 'I followed this idea of archeology as a romance and a science.' —Dr. George Bey(@SoQuoMe) #quote #archeology #science #TEDxJXN @TEDxJackson
Memorable Quotes from TEDxJackson
"There are as many ways to be creative as there are Muppets. And there are a lot of Muppets." —Kermit the Frog

Find Your Voice, Girl!
Many men don't like it when we speak up and talk back. Some will go to great lengths to silence our voices, and too often that gets sexual or physical quickly online.

Advice to a Young Woman
To thine own self be true. Be honest even when it feels hard. Represent yourself with confidence and dignity and never lose sight of what impact those two things, honesty and dignity, will have on your life.

Interrupting the Poverty Cycle: Looking Back to Move Forward in Mississippi
Otibehia Allen's days in the Mississippi Delta start and end with her five children—three boys and two girls. She feeds them. Clothes them. Their well-being rests on her shoulders. She does it all on her own.

Sisters in Birth, Inc.
One reason Sisters in Birth Inc. founder and Executive Director Getty Israel decided to create her organization is "because there was a time when I was a single mother without a support group," she says.

How to Revive Humanization
The dehumanization of people of color affects everyone. Often the narratives about children of color begin and end with what Dr. Howard Stevenson and Dr. Rhonda Tsoi-A-Fatt Bryant call the "Cycle of Dehumanization."

Help Your Neighbor: Donate Blood, Save Lives
Fewer people tend to donate blood during holiday seasons each year and even fewer during a pandemic. Thus, MBS welcomes all donors.

The Mustard Seed: 40 Years and Counting
The Mustard Seed in Brandon, a Christian community for adults with developmental disabilities, celebrates its 40th year of operation this year.