Politics Blog

Musgrove Declares Himself a LGBT Ally

First there was Bill Clinton. Then there was Barack Obama. Then came Ohio Sen. Rob Portman and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Now there's former Mississippi Gov. Ronnie Musgrove.

OK, maybe not in that exact order, but all of these elected officials eventually evolved to become–for lack of a better and less condescending word–accepting of same-sex-loving people.

The latest, Musgrove, penned about his http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ronnie-musgrove/portmans-conversion-shoul_b_2918493.html">change-of-heart today at the Huffington Post.

He writes: "My evolution on LGBT adoption came from intensely personal reflections on my own life. What is sad to me is that my understanding of this issue did not come until after I had left office and no longer had the power to right this wrong. This reality weighs heavily on me to this day."

Portman, who had been a foe of marriage equality, has a gay son and publicly http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/15/rob-portman-gay-marriage_n_2881805.html">reversed his position last week. Musgrove also said he agrees with Portman's new stance on gay marriage.


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