
Groups: It's OK for the Gay to Stay

In response to a so-called "gay conversion" conference taking place at Lakeside Baptist Church in Hattiesburg over the next few days, pro-gay rights groups are rallying against the pseudo-science of praying the gay away.

GetEQUAL Mississippi, OMEGA Mississippi and Walk Fellowship Church of Hattiesburg is holding a“Love and Acceptance” rally to counter Lakeside's "Coming Out: A Gospel Response to Same-Sex Attraction."

Through a press statement, the gay-advocacy groups point out that the both http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/about-ama/our-people/member-groups-sections/glbt-advisory-committee/ama-policy-regarding-sexual-orientation.page?">American Medical Association and the http://www.apa.org/pi/lgbt/resources/just-the-facts.aspx">American Psychiatric Association have called gay conversion therapy bunk.

According to the statement for pro-gay groups: "The rally will be a peaceful demonstration comprised of the LGBT community, their families, allies, and Christians who seek to spread the message of love and acceptance of all God’s children.

"The states of California and New Jersey have recently passed legislation making it illegal to use gay conversion therapy on minors due to the psychological harm it causes. Pennsylvania is presently in the process of doing the same, stating that conversion therapy amounts to medical and parental bullying that can lead to low self-esteem and even suicide."


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