Pothole Report (and Resurfacing) for June 29
Here's the report for the City of Jackson -- I can attest to the resurfacing on Jefferson; looking pretty good! Crews repairing potholes on areas of N. Roach Street, Rose Street, First Avenue, Keele Street, E. Manor Drive, Meadowbrook Road, Harrow Drive, Northpointe Drive. Crews resurfacing on S. Jefferson Street.

Rev. C.J. Rhodes' Open Letter to Speaker Philip Gunn
Cross-posted from CJ Rhodes' WordPress blog by permission: Dear Mr. Speaker, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. My name is CJ Rhodes and I am a resident of our Capital City. I also pastor Mt Helm Baptist Church, Jackson’s oldest historically black congregation, which is …

Haley Barbour Is Not Offended By The State Flag
Glad we got that straight. In a segment on MSNBC's Morning Joe, Haley Barbour (looking disturbingly like he'd swung by a mortician's office on his way to the broadcast) opined—in the dulcet tones of that version of his accent that he uses for national TV—that he's not particularly offended by …