Queen Folyan

Recent Stories

Fathers and Daughters

Fathers will show their daughters how to love and how to be loved in return. They are the first figure of strength daughters will ever know.

[Queen] ‘A Place in the World'

"God Almighty created each and every one of us for a place in the world, and for the least of us to think that we were created only to be what we are—and not what we can make ourselves—is to impute an improper motive to the Creator for creating us." —Marcus Garvey

[Queen] If I Were A Man

We are just as capable and ready for battle as any man—whatever that battle is.

[Queen] I Am a Feminist

One of my favorite quotes is by Margaret Trudeau: "I can't be a rose in any man's lapel." For years, these words have sung to the very core of my being, yet I failed to understand its significance to my life. A recent conversation led me to recall situations in coming-of-age that have awakened my reality.

[Queen] A Light Ahead

Having a friend with depth and the ability to shoot from the hip is always a plus. But having one who has those characteristics and a degree in social work equals a huge win for me.

[Queen] It's About Women's Rights

I find it laughable that the state of Mississippi is even considering asking us to vote yes on Initiative 26. Really? We are being asked to make a law to give up our constitutional right to choice. Really.

WE ARE ONE - Yes We Will!!!

It's difficult to live a day such as this one and not be completely saturated with deep emotions. From utter amazement to overwhelming pride and gushing accomplishment hold close to each other. We have finally reached that road that was announced when our destiny was proclaimed in Martin Luther King, Jr's dream. How fitting it is that this day follows the day of MLK's birth. This day - the day the world, its citizens, and these the great United States of America welcome hope, and equality…..and change.


Has Biggie done that?

I'm sure everyone knows that there's a new movie about to come out called NOTORIOUS. It is suppose to be chronicling the life of the "greatest rapper of all time", Biggie Smalls. I have a serious problem with this label being attached to Christopher Wallace aka BIGGIE. Don't get me wrong, I agree that the guy did his thing. How could one not name him in their top five greatest rappers? But when one uses the word GREAT, to me, that's totally different. Greatness, in this sense, is a lifestyle, not an ability or skill. Barack Obama is great. Mother Theresa was great! Greatness includes the ability to have the QUAN (as announced and defined in Jerry Macquire). Greatness is mastering your craft, giving back, educating, having a voice that heals and has purpose, being able to live through death, and announcing a change in the world once you've passed through it.

COWBOY ROUND UP - Marion Barber's Toughness is Questioned by Team Owner!!!

GET THE "F" OUTTA HERE! If you know me, you know that I am a super Cowboy fan. If you know that, then you know that am a super duper, serious, Marion Barber, III fan. Learning that Jerry Jones is questioning Marion's toughness has completely thrown my world upside down. Here's the story, Marion The Barbarian, dislocated his pinky toe **AWWWW** two weeks ago and didn't play in last night's game against Steelers. WE LOST! I'll be the first to say that we needed this win! But it's clear that team owner, Jerry Jones, is a little miffed that the dependable fall back guy -- Marion Barber- wasn't there to save our ass after Romo choked up/gave up (as he often does and Marion often has to save us).

A Call for Sisterhood

A Call for Sisterhood

Just like the stubborn dedication of Harriette Tubman; the proud insistence of Rosa Parks; the support and strong family values of Betty Shabazz, Corretta Scott King and Merlie Evers; the blinding courage of Hillary Clinton and Eleanor Roosevelt; the spiritual acceptance of Mother Theresa; the unwavering commitment of Mary McCloud Bethune; the uncompromising commitment of Fannie Lou Hammer; the intelligent passion of Sojourner Truth; the creative beauty of Gwendolyn Brooks; the willingness to accept progression of our mothers and grandmothers before us - women are finally standing at attention and recognizing our ability to contribute to this world, this nation, this state and this city. Our female ancestors have planted an everlasting pattern to direct our journey. We need only accept and commit to its power. It's up to us to resurrect these strengths and revitalize our place in the natural order of life.

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