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Think You're Not Creative?

"You're so creative," they'd say. "I wish I could be creative."

Back in my last life, I worked as a professional marketer, writing and designing advertising and materials to sell stuff. It used to make me totally nuts when people would look at what I did and then bemoan the fact that they were not creative.

Not This, Not That

In her newest book, Karen Armstrong expands on a premise I first came upon in her 2001 book, "The Battle for God," in which she wrote that religious fundamentalism is a thoroughly modern invention, unheard of prior to the late 19th century.

Carving Nature at Its Joints

People have called my obsession with snakes (and by extension cats) aberrant, cockamamie, campy and injudicious. It is all of these things. I am all of these things.

[Road to Wellness] We've Arrived! Weeks 11 and 12

When we started this trip, the word "wellness" made me cringe. Now it's what I strive for on a daily basis. I'm still not exactly where I want to be, but I have a strong foundation for the journey now. In this last installment, I thought would I summarize all that we've talked about over the previous 10 weeks.

Dr. Susan Love: Be Aware Of Your Body

The Dr. Susan Love Foundation located in Santa Monica, Calif., is a non-profit group working to eradicate breast cancer in our lifetime. Love is known worldwide as one of the founding mothers of the breast cancer advocacy movement and is the author of "Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book," (Da Capo Press, 2005, $22.)

An Apple or a Yogurt a Day?

It all started with a cold, then a cough. By the time I saw my physician, I realized that this gunk had taken hold of my physical being.

The Road to Wellness, Week 5

Super Deluxe Lifestyle Diet

I've managed to completely swear off sodas in the past few weeks—I've switched mostly to unsweetened brewed tea and water. Likewise, I've kept away from fried chips, except on Fridays when I give myself a day off. And with the weather finally—knock on wood—turning to fall, it's a great time for some long walks.

What Should I Be Taking?

We all could use a little boost of nutrition in our lives. Between balancing a hectic schedule of work, family and community responsibilities, nutrition is often left to the local fast-food restaurant, leaving us deficient in vital nutrients.

Fitness: A Growth Industry

On the heels of yet another piece of bad economic news, here's a bit of brightness: Whether you're just starting out in your career or you're considering a change, take a look at the fitness industry. This is one industry expected to see a lot of growth in the coming years, reports The New York Times. Here's an excerpt:

Right Here, Right Now

I've always wanted change. At 13, I declared to my parents that I was moving to the Caymans where I would support myself as a watercolorist. That didn't quite work out.

Low-Cost Heart Health Screening

If you or your loved ones are concerned about heart health, take advantage of the Baptist Health System's low cost heart health screening, offered Monday through Friday at the Baptist Medical Center in Jackson and at the Baptist Cardiology Clinic in Madison.

Water Water Everywhere

It was still daylight on a nice afternoon last April. I was busy, hungry and tired when my emotions got the better of me, and I drove into a fast food restaurant to eat before going home. The sandwich tasted a little odd, but I decided it was my imagination—probably just the spices.

You Gotta Have Heart

This information should not be used as a substitute for a doctor's care. Please consult with your doctor before changing or adding any therapies.

[Road to Wellness] Onward and Upward, Weeks 5 and 6

Well, gang, we've put in a full month of trying to live a well-rounded, healthier life. Mr. Gunter and I are still (pretty) hard at it. He's discovered a new addiction: honey-roasted soy nuts. I found them at the Jitney 14 (Winn Dixie) in the produce section, and I can't seem to keep him away from them. I'm admittedly not doing as well on the walking lately, but I promise to pick it back up if all y'all do, too. So without any further ado … onward and upward.

Nightmare Symptoms

Say the acronym "PMS," and you're bound to react. Some use it as an excuse: "Oh, I'm just PMS-ing." Others use it as an insult: "What is it, that time of the month again?"

Health Fair on March 28

The North Street Family Medical Clinic (953 North Street) is inviting Jacksonians to the clinic's first health fair on March 28th from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Various physicians, clinics and medical supply companies will be on hand as well as companies designed to better your lifestyle. The clinic will be screening for sleep apnea and hypertension, plus the MS DJ Services will be providing the music. Come out and join them for a healthy 2009. Call 601-944-0345 for more information.

What's True, What's Not

The five "myths" include:

Even with all of the Obama administration's upcoming emphasis on the economy, the nation's health care is sure to get a lot of attention in the coming years. With nearly 50 million uninsured Americans, and facing epidemics of obesity--and all the fun stuff that comes with it (heart disease, diabetes, stroke, etc.)--HIV/AIDS, autism and a host of other health problems (not to mention a rapidly aging population), you're bound to start seeing a lot of news on the subject. As always, the facts will allow you to separate marketing/lobbying spin from reality. Along those lines, The Wall Street Journal health blog featured "Five Health Myths Busted" on their site today.

Advertising = Obesity

Quick: How can the U.S. (and Mississippi) reduce childhood obesity by 18 percent and reverse the current trends? Education? Better food in schools? Nope. It's simpler than that. Just ban fast-food advertising.

Running to Reconnect

Running isn't just a corporal experience. I lace up my New Balance trainers and hit the trails in the afternoon not just to keep my physical body sound, but also my mind.

Slim-Down Challenge

The sugary-sweet scent of morning pastries pervades the air among the boisterous morning patrons in the tiny, single room of Scurlock's Donut Shop and Eatery near the corner of South Congress and Pearl streets. What better place to meet with two men who have recently embarked on a weight-loss challenge?