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[Stiggers] Kicking Some Butt

Judy McBride: "Greetings, Ghetto Science Public Television viewers! Welcome to the premiere edition of ‘Ghetto Psychology Today.' The objective of this television show is to discuss, analyze and understand aspects of human behavior from a Ghetto Science Team perspective.

[Dickerson] Long Live the ‘W'

When Gov. Haley Barbour came out in favor of merging Mississippi University for Women with Mississippi State University, I was ecstatic.

[Viewpoint] Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia

In the days since Rev. Jerry Falwell died, much has been written about his influence on politics, but relatively little has been written about his hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia—that is, his "fear of the number 666," a number the Book of Revelation calls "the mark of the beast."

[Purvis] The Case for Shopping Locally

I hate going to superstores. I rarely see the same staff, and the employees never seem too interested in being there. Maybe that's a symptom of supersizing. How can an employee in customer service be there for so many people under one roof?

[Kamikaze] Three Strikes, And You're Out

I was browsing through a copy of the Mississippi Link the other day, and I was hit with a startling reality. It was a moment of clarity like no other. I scanned the page several times over just to make sure that my eyes didn't deceive me. But alas, it was true. Pictures don't lie.

[Balko] Chicago's Thick Blue Wall

The Windy City's notoriously aggressive police department fights for less accountability.

Hey, Show Some Love

I was first introduced to the concept of a mitzvah while reading Ari L. Goldman's "The Search for God" at Harvard. The term mitzvah originally referred to the 613 commandments in the Torah and the seven rabbinic commandments instituted later for a total of 620.

[Balko] Draconian Gun Laws

Sue Aitken called the police because she was worried about her son, Brian. She now lives with the guilt of knowing that her phone call is the reason Brian spent his 27th birthday in a New Jersey prison last month. If the state gets its way, he will be there for the next seven years.

[Stauffer] Facts, Damn Facts and Opinions

The Jackson Free Press publisher explains why the newspaper does not support Two Lakes or the 1996 Levee Plan. Instead, we need to put politics aside and seek a basin-wide solution.

[Stiggers] Poor Folks Gone Wild

Bonqweesha Jones: "People in today's society enjoy looking at other people's misery, mistakes and foibles. Viewers of those police reality shows love the action and excitement of the pursuit, i.e. the nappy-headed black guy being chased and wrestled down to the ground."

[Stiggers] Looking for a Brighter Day

"I'm sad and reflective today after hearing about the passing of Gil Scott-Heron, one of my favorite artists ever. His brotherly like spoken words planted a 'critical thinking' seed in my young and fertile my mind around 1975, when I heard these lyrics from his signature piece titled 'The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.'

Call A Special Session, Barbour

The budget wars between the two chambers of the state Legislature are nothing new.

[Greggs] Why Are We So Sad?

Two weeks ago, I was swimming in a pool and decided to halt my forward crawl by using my face against the concrete side. As some older Southern people say, I "knocked a big-ass goose egg on my head." After this unfortunate accident—which will most assuredly ruin my future career as a nose model for the Home Shopping Network—I immediately headed to my mother's house for pharmaceutical consolation. I do this because any woman over 50 seems to have a prescription for some sort of pain killer and usually an anti-depressant.

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Vol. 7, No. 3

<em><b>Ignoring Serious Questions</b></em>

Ignoring Serious Questions Ms. Ladd's and Ms. Mott's recent columns notwithstanding, can we all be honest and admit that Sarah Palin and her family, just a generation ago, would have been considered a picture of American normalcy?

Why ‘Local' is a ‘Good' Thing

"Chamber of Commerce Announces Free Enterprise Climate Policy" read the headline of the e-mail in my in-box on Monday morning.

[Stiggers] Work Those Steps, Brotha Hustle

Judy McBride: "I'm guest facilitator for this week's Bootleggers Anonymous meeting. My objective today is to help individuals addicted to gaining personal income through the means of piracy or copyright infringement—or shall I say bootlegging!

No. 38, October 17

<b><em>Too Crazy to Make Up</b></em>

The words that fall out of our government representatives' mouths are sometimes just too incredible to be made up.

[Kamikaze] Lighten Up

After reading all the controversy surrounding the Borat movie, two things have become painfully clear. One, some Americans lack a sense of humor and two, alcohol is a bigot's truth serum.

[Stiggers] You Don't Have To Take My Word For It

Readin' Rain-Bro: "Greetings, fellow readers. The producers of Readin' Rain-bro present a special program commemorating the people of the Gulf Coast as they continue to rebuild their lives after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

[Mott] Year of the Tiger

My life has always been filled with challenges; it's the way I like it, always pushing the edges, coming around the curve sideways on two wheels, and hitting the brakes just in time to avoid catastrophe. That may be more than Donna wants to know about me, but then, we've been working together for going on four years, so I think she's got a clue. Chaos follows me around like the little dirt cloud follows Pig Pen in Charles' Schultz "Peanuts," always ready to engulf me.