All results / Stories / Todd Stauffer

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The Permission to Care Deeply

With the legislative season coming to a close, those of us who spend a lot of time championing progress for Jackson and Mississippi have had a tough go of it.

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Phil Bryant and Mississippi GOP: Bad for Business

Gov. Phil Bryant's decision is wrong. It's bad for people, and it's bad for business.

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‘Faith-Based’ Economics vs. Actual Math

Cutting franchise taxes is a major priority of ALEC, the ultra-conservative anti-taxation group to which so many conservative legislators swear fealty.

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Is the 'Airport Takeover' All About ... A Road?

As the airport "takeover" bill wends its way through the Mississippi Legislature, it's becoming a little more clear that the point of the bill is not to improve airport services as much as it might be designed to grease the wheels of Rankin County development.

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What If We Could Fill Potholes ... With Jobs?

Are potholes the worst problem we face in Jackson? No. But they represent a pretty big problem for more than one reason.

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Reminding Ourselves How Great Jackson Is

It's worth a moment of reflection to think about how far we've come in the 14 years that the JFP has asked readers who and what they think constitute the "best."

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Vote, Shop and Give Thanks ... Locally

Vote with your dollars and your nomination to support local businesses this holiday season.

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Do the Anti-42 Politicians Feel No Shame?

Do you ever wake up in the morning and wonder why Mississippi's Republican Leadership seems to hate democracy so much?

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Need Solutions? Love The Problem

What Jackson needs, perhaps more than anything else, is more taxpaying people to help shoulder the burden and work on solutions.

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Congrats to Staff and Freelancers: It’s Award Season!

Spring weather, barbecue and canned beer on ice mean a little something extra at the Jackson Free Press in the month of May, because it's also the annual announcement era for a few of the key journalism award contests that we are a part of every year.

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Why ‘Black Lives Matter’ Matters

It's a very serious assertion that the country needs to value the lives of non-white people as highly as it values those of whites. Likewise, it needs to value the lives of those who live in poverty and work to improve the situation for all Americans.

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The Most Vital Word in Eco-Development

If Jackson develops a strong medical technology cluster, we might see a number of different places that could both attract talent and where talent could land when things need to change.

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Jackson Needs Talent, Technology and Tolerance

There's significant opportunity for Jackson to be a hub of creativity and productivity by connecting some important dots.

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Acknowledging Our ‘Best’ Once Again

You hold in your hands (or you're viewing online) the culmination of many months' worth of planning and effort—the 2015 Best of Jackson issue.

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A Media Outlet with a Mission

We can work together—even through our shopping and end-of-year purchases—to create a prosperous new year for Jackson.

10 Years Ago: Debating the Convention Center

Convention business in the U.S. is indeed tough, most convention centers lose money, and the economic benefit of a convention center can vary dramatically.

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The Difference Between Leadership and Authority

People who have authority over you can tell you what to do; people who offer leadership make you want to follow them, and they tend to make you feel safe.

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Hobby Lobby Ruling Could Spell Corporate Trouble

One of the basic problems that we have in this country is the structure of the modern corporation—particularly large, multi-national corporations.

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Think National, Shop Local

Local businesses help us build and keep wealth in our community.

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On Beer, Progress and Summer

Every time we choose a local business, we’re making a choice to help enrich our local area.