All results / Stories / Ronni Mott

Rid Your Body of Toxins

Between eating and drinking out of plastics that leach, getting a bit of pesticides with our veggies and a few stray hormones in our burgers, we're all exposed to levels of toxins every day--they're unavoidable. And, depending on how our bodies react to them, toxins can drain our energy, make concentrating difficult and even make us feel chronically ill.

Maybe We Should Call it the "Sin Cinch"

In a story titled "How do You Spell Lust? M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I," Internet spirituality Web site Beliefnet cites a new study by Kansas State University, saying: "Las Vegas may be known as "Sin City," but when it comes to transgressions per capita, parts of the Bible Belt may burn much hotter."

Berry Candlelight Vigil

I just received word that there will be an interfaith candlelight vigil at Smith Park on Wednesday, May 21 beginning at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday is the day Earl Berry is scheduled to die at the hands of the Mississippi justice system.

Cap & Trade: The Fight Ahead

Today, the Obama administration's plan to reduce greenhouse emissions and lower America's dependence on fossil fuels will come under intense Congressional scrutiny. With more than 50 witnesses scheduled to provide their expert opinions on the legislation, partisan pundits are already screeching their opinions in whatever format will hear them.

Tax Cuts Will Cost More Than Stimulus

Take one from column A and one from column B. That seems to be the strategy for the divisive issues of unemployment benefits vs. the Bush-era tax cuts. Republicans, in line with their well-entrenched obstructionist strategy of the past two years, made it clear that no legislation would get through the lame-duck session without first extending tax cuts for the wealthy.

It's Best Of Time Again!

Alrighty all you proud Jacksonians. It's time once more to vote for the Best of Jackson. The first 2008 ballot is scheduled to appear in next week's issue (Oct. 31) of the Jackson Free Press, which means this is your last chance to add your favorite category-we-forgot to the list.

Local Family Needs Our Help

The JFP has received the following e-mail about a Jackson family in need:

"The Ishakarahs, a local family of grassroots/ community artists, recently sustained major fire damage to their home on Capitol Street. In short, they are living without electricity. They need our help with electrical service restoration and permit costs.

It's Odd Day

No, the title doesn't contain a typo; it is really, officially Odd Day, a day when three consecutive odd numbers make up the date, an event that only occurs six times in each century, according to the Odd Day Web site.

Why Did He Do It?

This morning, in the wake of Haley Barbour's Pardongate, an old joke popped into my head.

Why does a dog lick his balls?

Recipe Contest

Do you have a stellar, favorite holiday recipe using organic ingredients? If so, enter it for a chance to win a prize and the Organic Valley Family of Farms will also donate $1 to the Earth Steward non-profit organization of your choice. Sounds like win/win to me.

Learn Something New

Every so often, I come across something really useful on the Internet that isn't trying to sell me anything. If you're like me, it's even better if it tells me where to get cool, free stuff. Here's a page that fits both of those criteria: The Massive Free Education List from Jimmy Ruska. The list includes 177 free Berkeley Video Courses— on everything from Psych 101 to Operating Systems—plus resources for free language learning sites to free software. Check it out.

Kennedy: Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Beck Spread Hate

Speaking to reporters last Friday after his keynote speech at the memorial for slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers in Jackson, Robert Kennedy Jr. said some right-wing broadcast hosts feed the kind of hatred behind the assassination of abortion provider Dr. George Tiller and the killing of a security guard at the U.S. Holocaust Museum last week.

Gas is Giving Me Heartburn

This morning, I paid more than $52 to buy 3/4 of a tank of gas. Lucky for me that I live in Mississippi instead of San Francisco, where the cost of regular topped $4 per gallon this week. But the end isn't in sight, and despite the general outcry over the astronomical profits of the corporate oil giants, gas prices continue to climb. People are paying more than $100 to fill up their SUVs.

Empowerment Mississippi

This Saturday, Empowerment Mississippi, along with a handful of community sponsors, will explore economic issues for Mississippi's African American community, to "embrace strategies, goals and objectives" for solving problems and improving conditions.

Meet Jackson's Democratic Mayoral Candidates

[verbatim] On Saturday, February 28, 2009, Young Democrats of Mississippi (YDMS) will host a candidate forum for all Democratic mayoral candidates in Jackson. The forum will be at 1:00 p.m. at the IBEW Union Hall.

Serving the Blues

What is the problem with food manufacturers? This morning I checked out the daily email from one of my favorite green Web sites and the subject was energy drinks. "Oh, goody," I thought. Yesterday was a 13-hour day, and I can use some energy this morning.

McDonald's Customer Survey Scam

[Verbatim from the Attorney General's office] Attorney General Jim Hood warns Mississippi citizens of a fraudulent email circulating in a form that claims to be a McDonalds Customer Satisfaction Survey. The completion of the customer satisfaction survey is not the real purpose of the email. The emails real purpose is to obtain consumers personal information.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To: Chick Ball Volunteers, Donors, Entertainers, and Supporters

Thank you for all your hard work that resulted in the "best-ever" Chick Ball. Donna and her gang at the Free Press have truly outdone themselves this year. These ladies have raised over $7000 for us up to this point, and the money is still coming in. Thank you also to every business and individual who donated an item for auction or raffle and to the entertainers who kept us mesmerized all evening. All these wonderful items and talent made the night even more special!

Shred It Friday

[verbatim from the Attorney General's office]

Jackson, MS-Attorney General Jim Hood, Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann and Better Business Bureau President Bill Moak are together again with a host of private partners to help Mississippians fight against identity theft.

Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt

"Anxiety Disorders can be Debilitating." The headline, from The Clarion-Ledger a few weeks ago, speaks volumes about the way we live our lives. Fear stops us in our tracks, making us into the proverbial deer in the headlights. Fear, whether in politics, medicine, marketing or media, can be crazy making. Pick up a paper, turn on a TV, go to the Internet; wherever you turn, someone is trying to scare you. Why? Because it works.