All results / Stories / Ronni Mott

84,000 Jobs Slashed in August

August Unemployment At Five-Year High

NPR reported this morning on last month's unemployment figures and updated numbers for June and July. Verbatim from their Web site:

Mayoral Candidates Speak with Voters

This Thursday, April 23, the Jackson Free Press is co-sponsoring a mayoral debate at the Jackson Convention Complex beginning at 7 p.m.. Submit your questions and get more information in this story. For tickets, contact [e-mail missing] or the Jackson Progressives at [e-mail missing].

Poll Watchers Needed

Rosalind Rawls, executive director of the Mississippi Democratic Party has put out the call for volunteer poll watchers to help guarantee the rights of Mississippi voters on Election Day. I urge you to read on regardless of your party affiliation. Here's her e-mail:

10,000 Protesters Barely Make the News

In 2008 at the St. Paul Republican Convention, police arrested 818 protesters, which was less than half of the number arrested at their 2004 convention. Minneapolis had more than 3,700 well-trained, well-armed police officers on the street, and police and FBI raided suspected anarchists prior to the event.

Congress Does the Right Thing

From the Environmental Working Group's EnviroBlog (verbatim):

Bring Back Cartoons

When did ads and previews start taking up 30 minutes of good quality movie time? When I was a kid, cartoons preceded every movie on the silver screen. And while cartoons weren't the feature, at least they weren't advertising.

The Dawn of a New ‘Daily'

This past week we flipped the switch on a new "product" that's been brewing in the JFP labs for the better part of six months: JFP Daily.

It's the Weekend

If last weekend's St. Paddy's Parade and associated frivolities have you hankering for more, this weekend won't disappoint. The first annual Zippity Doo Dah Weekend in the Fondren neighborhood began yesterday and runs through tomorrow night. Today until 5 p.m., join the Sweet Potato Queens for the Bluebird Scavenger Hunt and the Queens Qrawl for All. Tomorrow, you'll have plenty of opportunities for family fun beginning with the Market in Fondren from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.; the Sal & Mookies 4th Annual Kid's Carniva from 10:30 a.m. until 3 p.m.; and live music throughout the day. The weekend closes out (for all but the heartiest SPQs) with the Zippity Doo Dah Parade at dusk. All proceeds from the weekend go to the Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children, so not only will you have a blast, you'll be making a difference, too.

AG: Barbour ‘Abused' Office With Pardons

Update 8:26 p.m.: Hinds County Circuit Judge Tomie Green has granted Attorney General Hood's injunction, saying, "There is a substantial likelihood of success ..." in the case of Hood's challenges to the constitutionality of some of former Governor Barbour's pardons. Download the fax from the AG's office (PDF, 37k).

Weekend Planning Headquarters

If you're planning for the weekend, make sure to check out these events:

* The Eudora Welty Tribute Concert tonight, with Claire Holley, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Kate Campbell and Caroline Herring.

Court Orders Stay of Execution for Hart Turner

Press Release of James Craig (verbatim).

Read Is State Executing a Mentally Ill Man?

Stalking: It's No Joke

The night I finished the story of Adrienne Klasky's murder, I felt as if my safe, stable life had disappeared. Klasky's killer, Michael Graham, had stalked Adrienne for about three years prior to murdering her in cold blood. Haley Barbour suspended Graham's sentence in 2008. He was out. Would he come gunning for me?

Tease photo

Fondren Event Features Local High School Artists

If you've never been to a Fondren After 5 event (what used to be called ArtMix), or even if you have, here's a great reason to come next Thursday: to support the arts in Jackson Public Schools.

Barbour to DV Victims: ‘You Can't Trust Us'

Also see: JFP Domestic Abuse Archive and 2008 investigation of Barbour's domestic pardons.

Mississippi Executed Hart Turner

Attorney General Jim Hood this morning argued successfully in a federal appeals court in New Orleans to lift a stay of execution for Edwin Hart Turner. At this point, without further intervention by either the U.S. Supreme Court or Gov. Phil Bryant, Mississippi will move forward to execute Turner this evening at 6 p.m.

Is State Executing a Mentally Ill Man?

Hart Turner's mind seems to have broken Dec. 12, 1995. After two failed suicide attempts, a half-dozen stays in mental institutions and years of mental and physical abuse, Turner shot and killed Eddie Brooks and Everett Curry in two separate robberies about four miles apart on U.S. Highway 82 in Greenwood. Until that early morning, Edwin Hart Turner had no criminal record.

Weekend Events: Outdoors, Music & More

Planning your weekend? It should be great weather for the day-time events listed on our Best Bets page including the Jackson Zoo's Party for the Planet on Saturday, and Rainbow Co-op's annual meeting and picnic at the Cedars on Sunday.

Pardons: ‘The Coward's Way Out'

Also see: JFP investigation of Barbour's 2008 Pardons of Domestic Killers

Countrywide settlement

If you or someone you know has a mortgage with Countrywide, relief could be on the way. {Verbatim from the Attorney General's office}:

GOP's Answer to "Charting a New Course": Name Calling

You've got to love it. On Wednesday, Republicans abandoned the idea of relabeling the Democratic Party. The proposed new name? The Democratic Socialist Party. The Republican National Committee actually held a special session about it.