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[Stiggers] Hump Day Disco

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm proud to announce Clubb Chicken Wing's Weekly Hump Day Job Network Session and Disco. Every Wednesday night, the hopeless will become hopeful with the Back Room Resume Writing Workshop and Job Counseling Rap Session.

[Stiggers] The Invisible Man

This poem titled 'Return of the Invisible Man: Observations of an Unemployed Poet' is my personal expression about black men, like me, experiencing the highest unemployment rate of all gender/race categories.

[Rhodes] Monuments of Hope

I have long admired Martin Luther King Jr. and the movement that made him a global leader. I remember seeing a framed portrait of him while visiting a poor village in Brazil and being amazed by how global this southern black man was and is.

[Oppenheim] Time to Listen

On Oct. 22, youth from all over Mississippi, but mostly Jackson, will gather at Metrocenter Mall for a special event: the first Art, Poetry and Justice SLAM. The event is part of National Youth Justice Awareness Month and brings together the Southern Regional Office of the Children's Defense Fund, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ACLU of Mississippi, the NAACP of Mississippi, The Young People's Project and F.A.I.T.H. Inc.

Primitive Power

My husband balanced a lumpy, orange sweet potato in one hand. His other hand was poised on the juicer. He arched an eyebrow while I tried to keep my mind open. The sweet potato was way too large to fit in the juicer, so he cut it in chunks and fed it into the slender cylinder. I watched, knowing I would have to drink the juice and not react in any negative way. The juicer pulverized and liquidated the sweet potatoes in mere seconds.

[Stiggers] Hustle Mania

The objective of the 'Hustle Mania 2011 Entrepreneur Start-Up Conference' is to help laid off workers understand the benefits of being their own boss and generating jobs in their communities, since the government and corporations seem unwilling and unable.

[Stiggers] Quell the Anxiety

As you know, many in our community and around this nation struggle with economic imbalance. Many people suffer at the hands of some insensitive, uncaring and greedy individuals. Therefore, your non-judgmental solidarity with the poor, middle class and common folk reflects the proverb that says, 'Whoever is kind to the needy honors God.'

[Spiehler] Where Is the Line?

"What about life-saving abortions?"

[Lee] My Health Is At Stake

In 2008, I was living in Colorado and facing a ballot initiative known as Amendment 48 to the state Constitution. It aims to define personhood as beginning at the moment of egg fertilization. In a statewide election, 73.2 percent of voters opposed the change, and defeated the amendment.

[Stiggers] Operation Backlash

In the ghetto criminal justice system, the people are represented by two members of the McBride family: police officer and part-time security guard at the Funky Ghetto Mall Dudley 'Do-Right' McBride and attorney Cootie McBride of the law firm McBride, Myself and I. This is their story.

Guns for Safety?

Also see: JFP Crime Blog

It so happens that in the past few weeks, a number of people with ties to the Jackson Free Press—staff and former staff—have encountered the same piece of advice from Jackson Police Department officers. The advice: Buy a gun.

[Rhodes] Hopeful Realism

As a Christian minister and public theologian, my days are spent in prayerful reflection about souls—not just the immaterial part of us, but all of who we are. For me, to be human is to be a soul—an embodied spirit, a spirited body. And every day, I'm passionate about serving people holistically, touching and transforming mind, body and spirit: all that we are and all that we have.

[Stiggers] A Jobs Plan

The massive hirings will not affect the prices at Jojo's Discount Dollar Store. Jojo hopes that his positive and creative corporate restructuring will inspire hope and confidence in the spirits of today's extremely financially challenged consumers.

[Stiggers] Agitate, Agitate, Agitate

A change might come when tons of letters of concern from angry minority voters pile up in politicians' offices.

No Tea Party of the Left, Please

The pent-up frustration caused by not speaking out in a clear voice finds a venue this Saturday when some Jacksonians will gather in Smith Park for Occupy Mississippi, a localized version of the Occupy Wall Street protest movement that spread to other U.S. cities in recent weeks. We fear, though, that many of the frustrated protesters could lack focus and are venting.

Odyssey of Discovery

Back in July 2006, I found myself on the edge of a new life. Four months earlier, I'd been laid off from a job after nine years. I was at loose ends, not particularly thrilled about continuing in a profession I didn't love any more, but not knowing what else I could do to support myself.

The Crazy Ones

You've no doubt heard about the passing of Steve Jobs, legendary former CEO of Apple Inc. and the architect of that company's return from near obscurity to--depending on the day--literally the most valuable company in the world.

Craig Noone, Crime Fighter

A few weeks ago, Jackson State University professor Noel Didla was sitting outside Parlor Market in downtown Jackson waiting for friends. Suddenly, Craig Noone, the young visionary and chef who created the restaurant, saw her and came outside to talk to Noel. He mentioned the current issue of BOOM Jackson magazine in which Noel was photographed at her desk for a small "At Work" feature. Craig asked Noel to autograph his copy and told her how much he liked the small piece.

[Blom] What Revolution Looks Like

Wednesday, Oct. 26, marks the 40th day. The Occupy Wall Street protesters in Zuccotti Park and Mayor Michael Bloomberg have been playing tug-of-war for control of New York City's streets. And the wave has washed over the entire globe. That's right, even to Antarctica and right here in Jackson.

[Purvis] Do Unto Others

I am fortunate I haven't had to resort to drastic measures to stay afloat. I know others aren't so lucky.