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Day 2: ‘No Drugs to Flush,' Witness Says

Lawrence Cooper Jr., who was the first witness for the prosecution in Mayor Frank Melton's felony trial, said the incident began when he heard people outside the duplex say, "The folks are coming," which is code for the police. Alexander asked him how Evans "Bubba" Welch reacted. Cooper said that Welch went to the front door and looked out.

BREAKING: Supreme Court Calls for Danks Hearing

The Mississippi Supreme Court issued an order (PDF, 48 KB) dated April 16 remanding Judge Tomie Green's call for sanctions against former Mayor Dale Danks to Hinds County Circuit Court.

Melton Missed Swimming Pools, Dog, Kids

Melton said this in The Clarion-Ledger today about his time in jail:

A-1 Pallets Files Restraining Order

Hinds County Chancery Court Judge Dewayne Thomas granted a temporary restraining order against the city of Jackson yesterday on behalf of A-1 Pallet Company.

Day 4: Partial Verdict Not Revealed

Reporting by Brian Johnson

According to Judge Webster, the jury has reached a unanimous decision on 10 of the 11 charges; there is one charge that they can't reach a verdict on. Webster, at the behest of defense council, instructed the jury to return to deliberations to determine whether or not they feel they will be able to reach a unanimous verdict on the remaining charge. None of the verdicts were revealed and the court stands again in recess.

Is the Melton Administration Breaking the City?

More details when Adam Lynch returns from City Hall.

The Clarion-Ledger is reporting that the Melton administration revealed to City Council today that they still need $3 million in order to balance the city's budget—even though Council has already adopted a 2008 budget, which was supposed to balance the budget. The city wants to borrow the $3 million from the city's 7 million reserve fund. Administration officials refused to show up at a 2 p.m. budget meeting to answer questions about the shortfall, the Ledger reported.

PDFs of Documents Filed in U.S. v. Melton

Most recent filings are listed at the bottom.

Day 4: The Jury Question

Reporting by Brian Johnson

Around 5:30 p.m. the jury asked a question of Judge Webster: "How long do we have to deliberate if a unanimous decision has not been reached on all charges."

Touted Melton Attorney Wins Death-Row Case

Houston attorney Craig Washington, whom Frank Melton had said will defend him in his upcoming trial for destroying a Ridgeway Street duplex, has won in his effort back in Texas to keep client Tyrone Williams off death row. Williams, who was convicted on 58 counts of conspiracy, harboring and transporting immigrants, was responsible for the deadliest smuggling operation to date, back in 2003, when he abandoned his truck with over 70 immigrants on board. Nineteen of them suffocated in the back of his tractor-trailer in the sweltering heat. Washington withdrew from Melton's gun trials last fall, due to obligations back in Texas.

BREAKING: Lawn Crew Owner Arrested Again

A spokesman for the Hinds County Sheriff's Department confirmed that Frederica Brunson, 23, also known as Jermaine Butler, was arrested today for possession of a stolen automobile and contempt of court. Brunson, who owns the Wood Street Lawn Service, was last arrested Dec. 4, 2005, for armed robbery of the Headliners Barbershop near Wood Street. He was also arrested for rape in 2001.

Motion Sickness

Attorneys for the defense filed yet more motions in the upcoming felony trial of Mayor Frank Melton and detectives Michael Recio and Marcus Wright.

Day 4: Melton Trial Goes to Jury

Reporting by Brian Johnson

Today's proceedings in the trial of Mayor Frank Melton and police officers Marcus Wright and Michael Recio began at 8:30 a.m., with the judge and attorneys for both side discussing instructions that would be given to the jury. At 10:00 a.m., the jury was called in and the judge read the instructions for nearly 45 minutes.

Open Thread for Melton Trial Here

Have at it.

Meantime, read the JFP's Melton blog/archive here. And read the Sept. 1, 2006, story by Adam Lynch that revealed the Ridgeway Street demolition and led to the trial this week. See photos of the Ridgeway destruction here.

Judge Webster: No Jail for Melton

Judge Joe Webster just dimissed probation violation charges against Mayor Frank Melton. The order reads in part:

Ladd Profiles Frank Melton in Reason Magazine

JFP Editor Donna Ladd writes about Mayor Frank Melton's shenanigans for Reason Magazine. The piece starts:

Day 3: No to ‘Confidential Informant'; Only Pot Found

Reporting by Brian Johnson

This morning, without the jury present, attorneys for the Melton defense team called a "confidential informant," who used the name Russell Smith (not his real name). Under direct examination, he said that he had worked as a confidential informant for the FBI, DEA, ATF and MBN. He also said he was from Virden Addition and was very familiar with 1305 Ridgeway. According to his testimony, he served as a confidental informant to Det. Marcus Wright, one of the defendants, from May to August 2005.

Day 3: Jury May Have Case by Noon Today

<i>Watch for updates.</i>

Word from the courthouse is that the judge may send the case to the jury by noon today. So far, defense attorneys have put no witnesses in front of the jury and may not be able to.

Council Protests Melton Picks

Council members bickered Monday afternoon over Mayor Frank Melton's decision to appoint Chief Administrative Officer Robert Walker and City Attorney Sarah O'Reilly-Evans to run the city while he recovers from surgery in Texas.

No Damages Against Melton

A Lauderdale County Circuit Court jury voted unanimously Friday that former Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics Director Frank Melton should not have to pay damages after leaking a memo falsely incriminating two former MBN agents.

Judge Green: Court Should Sanction Danks

Today, Judge Green filed a motion with the Mississippi Supreme Court asking the court to sanction Melton's defense attorneys (PDF, 114 KB) for accusing her of a crime "without just cause."