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[Stiggers] Smacked Like Mammy

Boneqweesha Jones: "It's time for Boneqweesha's Entertainment Tonight report! This show is not associated with the B.E.T. network. I have the exclusive audio from a brief phone conversation between Sista Star Jones and Sis Condoleezza Rice.

Kicking It Up

I have a confession; lately I haven't been living in the moment. Here at the JFP we have a million ideas and staff members who work insanely hard because of their commitment to doing good work. I think all of us struggle with the fact that there are only so many hours in the day that keep us from implementing all those great ideas.

[Johnson] The Miracle Machine

The season of the Obama baby has arrived. Like many members of our generation, my beloved and I found the Bush years distinctly unarousing. Even today, I worry that newborns who catch word of Dick Cheney's media blitz will cry foul and make a run back for the womb.

The Lies We Tell

Last Friday's email brought this little gem to my inbox: Super PACs spent $23 million on deceptive or misleading advertising in GOP primary races, more than half of all advertising they purchased through April 3. Now, you might think that the SPACs aimed their big buckets of money at President Barack Obama, but no. Almost all of it was directed at fellow Republicans--Mitt Romney's PAC lying about Rick Santorum, Santorum's PAC misrepresenting Newt Gingrich's record, Gingrich spinning about Romney.

Naked Party Animals Be Damned

"We all evolve." That's what Marcy Nessel told Maggie Neff about the Jewish Film Festival in this issue.

Bad Business or Bad Math?

In a column published June 3 ("Payday Lending: Bad Business" by Scott Colom), JFP readers met a man named Mike (an alias for a supposed payday loan customer.) I'd like for you to meet a real payday loan customer: Gracie.

[Doyle] From Dixie, With Love

As a University of Mississippi graduate excited about the progress of his alma mater in the past decade, a strong distaste for the likes of Richard Barrett is interwoven into my DNA.

[Royals] God And Abstinence

At the Mississippi Department of Human Services' May 16 summit entitled "Abstinence Works: Let's Talk About It," we didn't talk about abstinence. But we sure did chant, cheer, dance, pray and sing about it. Here are a few (of the many) things that stood out to me.

Jackson, Let's Shoot for the Top

As I write this Tuesday, I have no idea who will be the Democratic nominee for mayor when you read this. As always happens in Jackson and Mississippi, it's been a tough campaign that has wallowed in the mud and brought out the worst in many of our neighbors.

[Stiggers] Strange Jena Fruit

Boneqweesha Jones: "W.E.B. DuBois, a great educator and one of the founders of the NAACP, said that the problem of the 20th century is the color line. Well, Mr. DuBois, it seems as if the issues and problems of racial intolerance have rolled over into the 21st century like unused cell-phone minutes, especially in towns like Germantown, Tenn., and Jena, La.

[Mott] Blue Dog Dems and Health Care

The Democratic Blue Dog Coalition has announced its agenda for reforming American health care. Not surprisingly, heading the list is controlling costs in the current systems.

The Ledger's Obsession with ‘Exclusive'

Something interesting came to the attention of our advertising sales department during the production of this edition of the Spring Arts and Events Preview. It seems that The Clarion-Ledger is now telling some arts organizations that if they would like The Clarion-Ledger (or, presumably, their subsidiary publications, such as VIP Jackson) to sponsor a non-profit or charity event, then The Clarion-Ledger must be the "exclusive print sponsor" of that event.

In Hindsight, We Need Oversight

As 2006 comes to a close, it's become achingly clear that Jacksonians are going to need to do something about the way we're governed. The indicators are clear and, oddly enough, they closely mirror what's going on in this country on a national level.

[Stiggers] A New Work Force

BoneQweesha Jones: "I know that pink slip was a hard pill to swallow. Six months later, the anxiety and stress of landing a decent job in this economy has forced you to question yourself."

For Them, the Brave

It used to be that murders of black people didn't matter. They still don't matter enough, but they get taken a lot more seriously than they did back when I was a baby. Then, an angry white person, a mob, or a sheriff or deputy could murder an African American in cold blood, and it didn't matter to the state's white authorities and citizenry.

[Ladd] The Prosperity of Living

Here in Jackson something really special is happening. People are joining hands to face down the naysayers and forge a new future for our city. We're putting our pennies together and investing locally. None of us is perfect, but we know that we are very strong when we put aside differences and work together for the city and her people.

[Stiggers] Just Pay Me Back

Rudy McBride: "Greetings to all of my loyal customers journeying through this world of woe during this global recession. This message is dedicated to the wayfaring strangers traveling to that bright land of no sickness, toil or danger. This message is for people waiting for promises to become successful realities."

[Stiggers] Booty Calls On The Internet(s)

Boneqweesha Jones: "I'm back on the scene, like detectives on 'Law and Order,' with the low-down on the Internet scandal in D.C. This segment of the 'Boneqweesha Live News Hour' is titled: 'Oh, no, they didn't: Touching Moments in American Politics.'

Media Fell Down on Melton Beat

The other night at Symphony at Sunset in Fondren, I was talking to a local newspaperman who told me about a lie Mayor Frank Melton had told publicly during his campaign—basically an item on his resume that was an outright fabrication.

Protect Private Property

During trips to my mother's hometown of Oxford, it was customary for her to point out the areas of land, now heavily developed, that blacks owned when she was growing up.