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The Poverty-Crime Connection

If you struggle to pay your bills and don't know where your next meal is coming from, studies show you are more likely to be incarcerated. Once you fall into that cycle, it's difficult to break out. When people get out of jail, they usually have no money or a stable home to return to.

The Jobs Act: Help or Not?

It's no wonder that economics is called the "dismal science." Regardless of what motivated Thomas Carlyle to coin the term (some say it was a prediction that the world's resources could never keep up with population, while others say it was a negative reaction to ending slavery), no one can call economics an exact science.

It's Too Damn Hot

This summer has been exceptionally hot. I could survive on shredded wheat and Edy's pomegranate popsicles this time of year, but that's not being a proper role model for the 4-year-old. Instead, I've done what southern women have done for years to avoid melting in their kitchens; I've found meals that require little to no cooking.

Finding Time

Humans are funny creatures when it comes to dealing with time. Most of us always want more of it while wasting much of what we have. Or we spend valuable time worrying about what we don't have time to do. It's silly, really. And frustrating.

Searching, Searching

In November, 5.7 million people in America had been unemployed for at least 27 weeks, or about six months—the official, federal definition of long-term unemployment. The long-term unemployed accounted for 43 percent of all the people who were unemployed.

The Big 50: Tips for Work Success

Work is never easy, whether to find it or to keep it. You can't even get by with a simple resume any more, as you must have newer (and more in demand) skills that are necessary for employers to look your way. But if you follow these tips, not only will your success rate increase, but you will be able to network with people and organizations.

Tease photo

Good Schools=Good Jobs

For a healthy economy that can compete on a national and international level, job training begins early—very early. Children are preparing to find jobs later in life even as they learn to stack blocks, count toys and read picture books.

Defining Sexual Harassment

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits harassing someone because of their sex, which includes making unwanted sexual advances, threatening to demote someone if they don't give sexual favors or making offensive comments about someone's sex.

Tatiana McDonald

Tatiana McDonald had modest beginnings when she arrived in the United States from Bogota, Colombia, eight years ago. "Before I entered the nonprofit world, I was always trying to make a living cleaning or babysitting, like most of us do when we come to the United States," McDonald says. "My first job in the nonprofit (as a legal assistant) was what made me want to do more. I was always trying to know more and more about the struggle immigrants face once they get here."

Gene Moore

Gene Moore is a chaser of dreams and determined to do what he can to leave the world a better place. In 2003, he left his position as the news director for WJTV-12 to start his own business, T-KAM Video Production.

Intern Your Way to The Top

Ask a professional with a great job if he or she ever interned. Chances are the answer will be yes. Internships (and externships, which often refer to shorter intern periods) are an invaluable way to bridge the experience gap between school and a job.

Lorenda Cheeks

As the local mailman could attest, Lorenda Cheeks has taught kids since she was a little girl herself, setting up school in the front lawn with her neighborhood friends.

A Great Ride

After nine years with one company, I got a pink slip. It was inevitable. The company had been sold several times, and with each takeover, my department's budget and staff shrank. Nonetheless, when the day arrived, it was a blow. With more than 25 years of experience in marketing and related fields, I knew finding a job to replace the one I lost would be difficult.

21st Century Job Hunting

For many fields, the 21st century job seeker benefits from having an online resume. First, get a blog. Blogger and WordPress are free online hosts for blogs where you can post your resume. Have pages that link to different projects or a page of great comments from your references. Focus the content toward your ideal job.

Preventing Auto Theft

Auto thefts are usually crimes of opportunity, according to the University of Oakland Police Department's website. They can happen within seconds and are primarily a result of not being cautious and cognizant of the environment. You can decrease your chances of your car being burglarized or stolen by following these tips.

Citizen Policewoman

I'm going to be completely honest: I'd never held a gun before. I always thought guns were for thugs and hunters. I simply didn't need one. So it may surprise you that on Saturday, Oct. 8, I spent the better part of the day at the Jackson Police Department rifle range working on my target practice.

Sweat Together: The Menu

What you eat after you exercise is vitally important. You've worked so hard to burn calories, now take it easy with a light meal. And remember, small portions are best.

Many Ways to Prevent Crime

The best way to stop crime is to put children on a good path early, help strengthen their families and intervene as needed. These groups do just that in many ways.

Lannie Spann McBride

When Lannie Spann McBride speaks, her voice resonates with tones cultivated by a lifetime of singing the gospel. Her message of faith has touched the hearts of her students, and the hearts of people around the world.

Who's In a Gang? Who Uses Crack?

State and local jurisdictions develop their own definitions of "gangs," which can lead to confusion and ill-defined fears of gang violence. The Jackson Police Department does not have an official definition of a gang, but the Mississippi Street Gang Act says that a gang is a group of three or more people with an established hierarchy that engages in felonious criminal activity.