All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

American Conservative Magazine ‘Endorses' Kerry

Are you sitting down? American Conservative magazine just 'endorsed' John Kerry:"Bush has behaved like a caricature of what a right-wing president is supposed to be, and his continuation in office will discredit any sort of conservatism for generations. The launching of an invasion against a country that posed no threat to the U.S., the doling out of war profits and concessions to politically favored corporations, the financing of the war by ballooning the deficit to be passed on to the nation's children, the ceaseless drive to cut taxes for those outside the middle class and working poor: it is as if Bush sought to resurrect every false 1960s-era left-wing cliché about predatory imperialism and turn it into administration policy. Add to this his nation-breaking immigration proposal—Bush has laid out a mad scheme to import immigrants to fill any job where the wage is so low that an American can't be found to do it—and you have a presidency that combines imperialist Right and open-borders Left in a uniquely noxious cocktail." [...]

Transcript: JFP Interview with DA Candidate Robert Smith

Interview by Adam Lynch

How old are you?I'm 36.

BREAKING: Tyrone Lewis Promoted to Deputy Chief

[Verbatim from the mayor's office] Mayor Frank E. Melton announced today that Commander Tyrone Lewis has been promoted to the position of Deputy Chief of Training and Standards for the Jackson Police Department. The promotion will be effective immediately. According to Mayor Melton, "Chief Lewis will have ninety days to make a difference in the recruitment, training and retention of officers for the police department."

The Sound and Fury of 'Perception'

Ponder these statements for a moment: "There is too much crime in Jackson." "The perception of crime is worse than the reality."

Protecting God's Green Acre

I didn't go to church Sunday, but I did recycle. It wasn't until after dark when Todd and I made our twice-weekly (thrice lately as we've been moving into a new place) foray to the alley behind the Rainbow Coop. We love doing this. We started and recycling years ago in Colorado Springs, where we would stop off at the microbrewery next to the recycle plant and get a refill of our "growler" of amber beer.

Obama Wins

The closing of the polls in California, Oregon and Washington at 11:00 pm Eastern time was enough for the major networks to put Senator Barack Obama over the top in the historic election of the 44th president of the United States. Having won Ohio, Iowa, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire -- all of which were necessary to the McCain strategy -- the closing of polls in the electoral vote rich West was enough to cement the victory for the first African-American president of the United States.

JUST IN: House Passes Bailout Plan 263-171; Stocks Rally, Then Fall

See: JFP Business Blog

The U.S. House of Representatives today passed the Senate's bailout plan on the second try. Mississippi congressmen voted the same as they did Monday—with the three Democrats opposing the bailout and the lone Republican, Rep. Chip Pickering, voting for it. Roll call vote here.

Travis Childers: Why I Voted Against the Bailout

Congressman Travis Childers just released a statement on why he voted against the $700 billion bailout today. Verbatim:

McCain Announces Scaled-Back Convention Due to Gustav

John McCain campaign manager Rick Davis is announcing now that the Republican Naitonal Convention will officially begin at 3 p.m. Monday for "business of the day," but no politics. He expects the session to end by 5 or 5:30 p.m. Beyond that, the convention is uncertain. He also said that McCain has asked for politics to be put aside and for Republicans to rally with the affected states, including Louisiana, which Republican leaders (such as Haley Barbour of Mississippi) pitted against the more Republican Mississippi during Katrina three years ago. In a sign that the GOP plans to treat Louisiana very differently this time around, McCain has offered campaign planes to take Louisiana delegates back home and to bring them back as needed, Davis said, and the campaign is calling for delegates to help raise money for the areas affected by Gustav.

House Rejects Bailout Plan; Dow Plummets

CNN is reporting the bailout plan went down in the U.S. House of Representatives by a 228-205 vote. Mississippi Rep. Chip Pickering voted for it; Reps. Bennie Thompson, Travis Childers and Gene Taylor voted against it. (View roll-call vote). CNN:

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Voter ID Regulations

A U.S. Supreme Court known for its anti-regulatory bent today voted 6-3 to uphold Indiana's voter-identification regulations, making Republicans happy and clearing the way for voter-ID laws in other states, including Mississippi. Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann, a Republican, praised the ruling in a statement:

Forthcoming U.S. Chamber ‘Lawsuit Climate' Report a ‘Phony'?

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce's "Institute for Legal Reform" plans to release a report Wednesday ranking Mississippi as the 48th worst "legal climate" in the country. In response to "Lawsuit Climate 2008: Ranking the States,", the Mississippi trial-attorney group, the Mississippi Association for Justice, released the following statement today, headlined the "U.S. Chamber's Phony 'Rankings' Serve Extreme Corporate Agenda." The statement, e-mailed to the JFP, follows verbatim.

Karl Rove Called to Testify About Probes, Including Minor and Diaz

The House Judiciary Committee today requested that presidential adviser Karl Rove appear to testify "concerning the troubling issue of the politicization of the Department of Justice during this Administration." It also released a report (PDF/323kb), "Allegations of Selective Prosecution in Our Federal Criminal Justice System," that talks in detail about the stringent prosecution of attorney Paul Minor and Supreme Court Justice Oliver Diaz, raising concerns that the prosecutions might have been a way for Republicans to weaken Democrats in Mississippi. Minor was convicted and is serving time in federal prison; Diaz was acquitted.

Prayer Vigil of Hope and Relief Funds for Latasha Norman

[Press release] Attend a Prayer Vigil of Hope, the second vigil for the missing Jackson State University student Latasha Norman, at 9 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 28 on the Gibbs-Green Plaza on the JSU campus. Norman, 20, a junior accounting major, has been missing since Tuesday, Nov. 13. The vigil is open to the public.

Republican Mayor Lott to Endorse John Eaves Today

Verbatim from the Eaves campaign:

LUMBERTON — Republican Mayor Aaron Lott of Lumberton will endorse Democrat John Eaves for Governor during a news event at 2 p.m. today, Thursday, September 27, 2007. The event will be held at 304 North Second Street in Lumberton. For his endorsement Mayor Lott cited Eaves' strong Christian values and Barbour's misuse of Katrina recover funds to enrich his friends, family, clients, and himself.

Loome: Politicians Misrepresenting MAEP Formula

[Verbatim from Nancy Loome] There has been a good deal of political posturing surrounding the Mississippi Department of Education's announcement of the updated MAEP figures. Rest assured that the negative comments you hear are, indeed, political posturing. The final projected MAEP costs were approved this morning (Friday, December 15, 2006) by the State Board of Education. Those figures came in at approximately $33-million below the Department of Education's initial estimate (about a 1% difference in the education budget).

Senate Votes to Fully Fund Adequate Education

Verbatim from Nancy Loome of The Parents Campaign:

It is a great day for Mississippi children! This morning the full Senate passed, on a unanimous voice vote, a version of HB 238 that fully funds the MAEP! This is a major victory for Mississippi school children, and you made it happen! The calls, letters and e-mails from concerned citizens all across this state sent an undeniable message to legislators and other elected officials. You made it clear that Mississippians will stand for nothing less than a quality education for all our children!

Loome: Big Rally for Education Thursday

[verbatim from Nancy Loome of The Parents Campaign] Things are really heating up at the Capitol, and pro-education legislators are looking to The Parents' Campaign network members (you!) to win full funding for our children! All eyes are now focused on next week's rally, and legislators have said that your attendance there will be the key to a full-funding victory. WE REALLY NEED YOU THERE NEXT THURSDAY!

Doris Shavers Killed in Domestic Dispute

WAPT is reporting that Doris Shavers, 40, has died after being shot in the head, allegedly by Henry Phillips in a domestic dispute last night on Ludlow Street. While Shavers was in UMC fighting for her life, police had originally charged Henry Philips, 50, with aggravated assault, a felony, and domestic violence. He is now charged with murder.

Donna & Todd Present 'Southern Fried Karaoke'

Tonight. (Friday.) 9 p.m.-until. No cover. Hal & Mal's restaurant. Be there.