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Melton's Bahamas Trip Still Haunting Him

How 'bout them apples? (And what a testament to the puzzle a couple of blog entries can unlock!)

Remember way back on March 3 when we first told Jackson on a JFP blog posting that Melton seemed to be bound for the Bahamas right in the midst of all his drama about catching Vidal "The Most Dangerous Man in Jackson" Sullivan? (A roommate of a staffer was on a plane with him to Dallas and called us from the airport there; then a person with the city told us he was headed to the Bahamas, thus setting off this whole travel-gate narrative.) The Clarion-Ledger did a good job of follow-up that weekend and found him in a hotel in the Bahamas with his two bodyguards. Then he told a Ledger reporter he would "cream" her if she did the story. Well, now the story is back on the front page of the Ledger because Melton threatened to expose City Council travel expenses after they challenged his unauthorized temporary employees this month. And guess what? His travel expenses are the most expensive—and he seems to have never reimbursed the city for his bodyguards' ritzy stay in the Bahamas.

Transcript of ComStat Comments to Media

Police Beat 18-Year-Old While In Handcuffs

Who Is Michael (Larry) Chapman?

Or whatever his real name is. And why is Frank Melton stashing him in a motel?

Orley Hood Riffs on Mayor of ‘Over There'

One of our Rankin County readers just alerted us to this lovely piece of pontification in the Rankin Ledger, courtesy of one of the "journalists" who cooed over candidate Melton back when. Per Orley:

Podcast of JFP Publisher on Kim Wade Show

JUST IN: Faye Peterson's New TV Ads

NEW: The System Was Broken

Someone just sent us the links to three new Peterson ads that are on youtube. They feature very interesting people in the community. we've also heard that there a number of hard-hitting radio ads out there by Margaret Barrett-Simon, Bennie Thompson, and maybe Leslie McLemore and John Horhn. Anyone heard those? Here are the videos:

Cases DA Peterson Has Tried

Here is a preview of information we have in the print edition this week. We did some factchecking in response to Robert Smith's comment that Peterson isn't involved in trying cases in her office. Here are some of the cases she herself has tried and the outcome of the cases.

Melton Asks All Board, Commission Members to Resign

Today, Mayor Frank Melton announced that all city board and commission members must "resign their position(s) effectively immediately." According to the press release from Carolyn Redd, this includes all members of 22 listed boards and commissions, including Downtown Jackson Partners, the Airport Authority, the Jackson Public Schools Board, Public Works, the Jackson Zoo, the Jackson Redevelopment Board, the Jackson Hinds/Library Administrative Board and the Arts Alliance.

WLBT Gives Close-ups of Melton's Scars

In a TV segment that is drawing its 15 minutes of fame, Frank Melton invited WLBT cameras into his home to show his scars up close and personal to dispel "rumors" that he didn't actually have the operation he said he had. The question that remains for us is: Why didn't he simply release his medical records as many other public servants have done over the years? That would have seemed more tasteful than taking of his clothes on television.

BREAKING: Leslie McLemore Elected Council President

JFP reporter Adam Lynch called in from the City Council meeting tonight to report that new Ward 1 Councilman Jeff Weill provided the swing vote to elect Leslie McLemore Council president, and to reject Melton's good friend, Frank Bluntson, who is acting council president. Charles Tillman was elected vice president. Voting for McLemore were the anti-Melton bloc—McLemore, Marshand Crisler, Margaret Barrett-Simon, plus newbie Weill.

New Hope for Segregation Victims

The Day-Care Scare That Wasn't

Crime at 15-Year Low in Jackson

The Barbour Story the City Is Talking About

Surviving Mao's Religion of Communism

[Johnson] Things Are Happening on Highway 80

Poll: Public Taking Plamegate Seriously

AAN Applauds Ayana Taylor's Work for the JFP

Mayor Harvey Johnson: State of the City