All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

Ward 1 Candidate Forum at Christ United

Councilman Ben Allen just alerted us that WJNT 1180 and the Northside Sun are sponsoring a "Meet the Ward 1 Candidates" forum tonight, Thursday, Aug. 9, at Christ United Methodist Church (6000 Old Canton Road) in the fellowship hall from 6:30 until 8:30 p.m. All candidates will be making statements and answering questions.

A Sweet Little Scene, by James Hughes

It's September 1983, and I'm hanging around the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, regretting that I've shown up six months too late to get into grad school and waiting to catch a bus to wherever. With evening settling in and the campus growing quiet, I drift into town, wander around awhile, and stumble into a little music lounge with handbill-covered windows called The Secret Garden—a bare-bones joint, nowhere near as sumptuous as its name, but one I'll still remember even 20 years later as the place where I first paid attention to the music of R.E.M.

The Bush-Delay-Barbour Friends That Ate Iraq

Melton Hires Judge Accused of Sexual Harassment

The Clarion-Ledger is reporting the latest chapter in "As the City Spins":

Jeff Weill Apparent Winner of Ward 1 Seat

The Clarion-Ledger is reporting that candidate Jeff Weill took just over 50 percent of the vote to replace Ward 1 Councilman Ben Allen Tuesday night. Weill ran on a platform of fighting crime and not raising taxes—two issues that tend to resonate in the city's most affluent ward.

UPDATED: ‘Batman' and Gang Acquitted

Alleged Wood Street Players gang members Albert "Batman" Donelson, Terrell Donelson and James Benton were acquitted on charges that Albert Donelson ordered the murder of Aaron Crockett on May 10, 2001, from the Hinds County jail, and that the two other men set about to carry out that murder. The jury deliberated for less than two hours. Immediately afterward, Mayor Frank Melton vowed that be would arrest "Batman" again—that he would not be going home.

Read the JFP Story That Started It All

Read Adam Lynch's breaking story that first revealed Mayor Frank Melton's Aug. 26 alleged rampage on Ridgeway Street in Jackson—the accusations that led to felony indictions of Melton and his bodyguards two weeks later on Sept. 15. Adam's story first appeared the afternoon of Sept. 1, 2006. You can read Lynch's exclusive interview with victim Evans Welch here. The JFP also broke the story about Evans Welch's schizophrenia here.

Melton Joins Other Mayors in Effort to Curb Guns

The New York Times is reporting on the meeting of 15 mayors, including Jackson Mayor Frank Melton, in New York to figure out how to curb the flow of guns in cities:

50 Cent Slams Gay Men; Says Lesbians ‘Cool'

MTV News reports: "In a wide-ranging interview with Playboy magazine, 50 Cent has let his feelings on homosexuality be known, in language sure to draw the ire of gay-rights supporters. 'I ain't into f----ts,' 50 says in an interview in the April issue of Playboy, which hits stands Friday. 'I don't like gay people around me, because I'm not comfortable with what their thoughts are. I'm not prejudiced. I just don't go with gay people and kick it – we don't have that much in common. I'd rather hang out with a straight dude. But women who like women, that's cool.'"

Young and Restless, by David Chilton

Two years ago I went to an all-ages show at Musiquarium. As I entered Banner Hall, I heard this massive buzz from upstairs. My jaw dropped when I entered MQ, because there were well over a hundred kids packed in the room, jumping up and down to a heavy riff scratched out by a handful of fans who were no more than 16.

Bush Gets Heckled, Links Iraqi War to 9-11, Again

Orley's Brilliant Manifesto on Crime

Is Melton Endangering Young People?

A major issue that has emerged in Mayor Frank Melton's determination to carry weapons anywhere he goes is whether or not he is endangering the lives of young people. He is arguing that he is under constant threat from drug dealers and gang members, and says that members of the Wood Street Players are out to kill him. Thus, he says, he needs to carry his guns to protect him and his entourage in the case of a shoot-out.

Thanks, Mr. Cooley

[Jacktown] M-I-CROOKED's Year, by Alphonso Mayfield

First off, I really want to thank everyone for the love that I have received since I started writing this column. All the pounds and props I've been getting have been very appreciated. A lot happened this past year that helped put the M-I-CROOKED on the map. Of course, there is the obvious signing of David Banner and the subsequent release of his album "Mississippi," which sold 400,000 copies while being relatively slept on.

Melton Aiming at Gun Shows Again

The Clarion-Ledger is reporting today that Frank Melton is again trying to close down gun shows, as well as other guns shops. Could it be that this is the reason he declared the "state of emergency"—so that he could eliminate gun sales in Jackson?

Barbour Raised $3.4 Million in First Quarter of 2007

[Verbatim from Barbour] JACKSON, MS - Governor Haley Barbour today filed a campaign finance report showing he raised more than $3.4 million in the first four months of 2007 and had more than $6.1 million cash on hand as of April 30. The report, filed with the Secretary of State's office, combined with previous records show that Barbour for Governor has raised nearly $7.69 million since 2004.

Ledge's Ronnie Agnew Lays Down the ‘Bottom Line'

Clarion-Ledger Executive Editor Ronnie Agnew's column today is bizarre in so many respects that we're not sure where to begin. He is certainly laying down the law for the newspaper's favorite mayor, closing with:

"I Hear That Train A'Comin'" Scott Miller

Singer/songwriter Scott Miller, formerly of the V-Roys and now a Sugar Hill recording artist, is a true triple threat. He is a great songwriter and singer and fantastic guitar player. Miller's music, however, does not defy description—pure and simple, it rocks. While the Sugar Hill label has long been associated with bluegrass artists, Miller's jangly, twangy, lean, rocking sound somehow fits into the label's historic mission. If there is truly such a thing as alt-country, "Upside/Downside" is it.

WMD Still Embedded in Times Newsroom