All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

Barbour's company to profit off Iraq

The AP's Emily Wagster Pettus wrote an important story today about Haley Barbour's D.C. company's plans to make a lot of money in Iraq. She begins: "Lobbying partners of Haley Barbour have established a company that says it will help its clients with business opportunities in the Middle East, including rebuilding in postwar Iraq. New Bridge Strategies "will seek to expedite the creation of free and fair markets and new economic growth in Iraq, consistent with the policies of the Bush Administration," the company's Web site says." That's a busy little side business he has going up in Washington, eh?

Salon on the Religious Left

Melton Vows to Veto Ad Decision, Help Ledger

The Clarion-Ledger is reporting:

Breaking: Mayor Accepts 911 ‘System Remedies'

Councilman Ben Allen just posted the following news on Adam's Talk this week about the 911 saga:

Melton Wins Mayor's Race in Low Turn-Out

Remember that today is Election Day! You can vote from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. in your usual polling places. For vital candidate and voting information about Jackson races, read the JFP's Election Blog. Also, the JFP's Truth Watch site will remain past the elections and take on an expanded role to factcheck statements made by public officials and media outlets. Bookmark it today!

Clarion-Ledger: ‘Melton Should Know Better'

The Clarion-Ledger is upset at Mayor Frank Melton's latest controversial move. In an editorial today, they take him to task for trying to give former City Councilman, and convicted felon, Robert Williams a job in his administration:

Ledger Scrutinizes Melton's Bahamas Trip

It's great to see The Clarion-Ledger follow up our tip from last Friday about Melton and his two bodyguards flying to the Bahamas. This is the way local media should work together to get at the truth. See their story today:

PMG Chevrons Invite Local Papers Back Into Stores

Poll: Public Support for Alito Weak

‘I'm Going to Get There,' by Lynette Hanson

Telling the story of his first encounter with the record business—other than the normal retail one that many 44-year-olds remember—brings a smile to Greg Preston's blue eyes. "I was about 7 when my dad brought home these two guys from CBS Records in New York," he said. His dad had met them on the plane coming into Atlanta; his mom, always a saint, made them a home-cooked meal, and Preston thought it was cool when, later on, he began to get records from them in the mail. He'd found his calling.

Agnew: We Want Our Glory Days Back

‘Ronnie' on Why Covering ‘Frank' Is So Rad

OK, this is downright weird coming from a top media official at the Gannett Corp. In his pithy little end-of-the-year wrap-up, Clarion-Ledger Executive Editor Ronnie Agnew practically coos over why covering his buddy "Frank" (first names???) is so great for the newspaper business. Well, now maybe we know why they didn't report on so much during the campaign and so easily endorsed Mr. Melton. Perhaps they hoped the "loose cannon" would help get their circulation going back up again. "Ronnie" writes today about "Frank":

Deuce McAllister and Partners Sign King Edward Deal

Springsteen, Raitt, Babyface, Pearl Jam, Others Stump to Unseat Bush

AP is reporting: "In an unprecedented series of concerts in nine swing states, more than 20 musical acts -- including Bruce Springsteen, Pearl Jam and the Dixie Chicks -- will perform fund-raising concerts one month before the Nov. 2 election in an effort to unseat President Bush. The shows, which will begin Oct. 1 in Pennsylvania, will take an unusual approach: as many as six concerts on a single day in cities across the states expected to decide the November presidential race. Other stops on the tour are North Carolina, Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Wisconsin and the key state in 2000, Florida.

Melton Plans to Re-Arrest Acquitted Man

Anyone else think it's odd that Mayor Melton is reacting so dramatically different to the latest acquittal of alleged gang members after being so lukewarm about the "Grayhead" acquittals? In both trials, a major witness backed out of testifying, helping enable acquittals. In both cases, the young men are accused of horrible crimes. But in the Grayhead case, Mr. Melton seemed offended that they were called "gang" members, and in this case, he is clamoring for Vidal Sullivan to be re-arrested, even saying he will take it to a different county—leaving a Mississippi College professor to warn that the public should be very concerned about Mr. Melton's statements.

Melton: Zero Tolerance for Moving Violations

[verbatim/Oct. 27, 2005]—Mayor Frank E. Melton issued Executive Order to address number of pedestrians being injured or killed by moving vehicles in the City of Jackson.

‘I Will Cream You Personally'

Looks like we left the press conference too soon yesterday! The Clarion-Ledger is reporting today that Mayor Frank Melton threatened one of their reporters:

Melton to File Another Lawsuit ... Against Donelson?

Mayor Frank Melton seems to be in a litigious mood this week. First, he filed a lawsuit against The Clarion-Ledger that many believe is frivolous (reported first by the JFP). Now, he is telling WLBT that he is planning to file a civil suit against Albert "Batman" Donelson for murders he has not been convicted of, including two he hasn't been tried for:

Is Jackson Unsafe, Mayor? Huh, Huh?

OK, I'm on the side of Mayor Melton on this one. This news story today just proves HOW FRIGGIN' AWFUL OUR MEDIA ARE. The reporters in this story (it took two to do this!?!) actually admit in the piece that they asked the mayor if Jacksonians should feel less "safe" after the murders this week:

The Big, Bad Booger Bear That Is Blogging