All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

McCain Wants Oxford on Call for a Maybe-Veep Debate

Sheer absurdity. It just gets worse, as McCain also tries to find a way to reschedule (or cancel) Palin's debate with Biden. CNN Political Ticker:

Young People to Pols: Don't Forget Us

Scott Beale writes for Alternet: "Dean's campaign was the first ever to reach out to young Americans, not just as campaign runts, but as participants in a discussion of political issues, as small financial contributors, as canvassers knocking on doors, as volunteers at service events, and as major leaders on the campaign. He appealed to young progressives with his willingness to stand up against the Iraq war, as an executive who had balanced budgets and as a courageous leader willing to fight for what is right, even if it is not popular."

Barbour: Outstanding Women ‘Rare'

Read the WAPT report.

"'There are some outstanding women but they're rare,' Barbour said. 'I'm not in the bean-counting business. As we fill out this administration, I feel very comfortable that people are going to say those are the right people, they work hard, they're very representative of the state, but I'm not in the quota business.' The co-president of the Mississippi League of Women Voters said Barbour should include more women in his administration. 'This is so important because women make up the 51 percent of the population in Mississippi,' league spokeswoman Fran Leber said, adding that women in Mississippi earn an average of 69 percent what men make."

Dean's Grass-roots Team in Overdrive on Iowa Day

Keep an eye on Dean's Blog for America today as the Iowa caucuses take place. Whatever you think of Dean, his *campaign* is pretty damned exciting.

Oxford Residents Sharing Homes, Volunteering, Spending ... for Nothing?

This is about more than you.

To put John McCain's bailout on Mississippi in perspective, recall that Oxford homeowners have been bending over backward to both rent and share their homes with visiting journalists and others in town for the debates. You see, Sen. McCain, Oxford is a small town without a ton of hotel rooms. People have planned for months for this event. Many have volunteered for months. People have spent a lot of money. Ole Miss itself has spent $5.5 million; small businesses have stocked up in ways they cannot afford to lose.

Obama Opens Up 14-Point Lead Due to Palin and Attacks

CBS News just announced the results of its latest poll, which finds that Barack Obama has opened up a 14-point lead over John McCain in one week, and has taken a commanding lead among independent voters. Voters cite the choice of Sarah Palin and the vicious attacks out of the McCain-Palin as primary reasons:

Appearance of ‘Man Who Got Away' Doesn't Matter

The New York Times reports that the re-emergence of bin Laden isn't having an affect on voter opionion:

Gen. Petraeus: ‘You Have to Talk to Enemies'

Gen. Petraeus agrees with Barack Obama:

The DLC vs. Howard Dean

Naeem Mohaiemen writes for Alternet: "[A] core part of Dean's appeal was his overwhelming support among young people. In 2000, one of the lowest voter turnouts was among young people. If you were under 24, you tuned out and stayed home in November. By contrast, the bulk of Howard Dean's support was among the youth of America. Energized by a strategy focused on Internet campaigning, 'Generation Dean' or 'Dean 2.0' spread across college campuses and gave a youthful aura to the man from Vermont.

McCain Fund-Raiser Under Investigation for Iraq Contracts

New York Times:

Blogging the Convention

List of and links to credentialed bloggers:

Forget boring corporate news accounts of the Dems' big party in Boston. The most entertaining way to follow the action is through the blogging coming out of Beantown. Following are a sampling of blogs that delegates are posting directly from inside. We'll post more as we find them. Enjoy.

Is Tuck Her Own Woman?

Here's an story from Bobby Harrison at the Daily Journal from back in December that discusses her new support for a tobacco tax and other ideas that Mr. Barbour might not be happy with.

DLC: Do Democrats Love Corporations?

David J. Sirota writes in The Nation:

Looking out over Washington, DC, from his plush office, Al From is once again foaming at the mouth. The CEO of the corporate-sponsored Democratic Leadership Council and his wealthy cronies are in their regular postelection attack mode. Despite wins by economic populists in red states like Colorado and Montana this year, the DLC is claiming like a broken record that progressive policies are hurting the Democratic Party.

Howard Dean on How Obama Improved on HIS Strategy

I ran into Howard Dean, chairman of Democratic Party, in the Grove, being yanked around by his handlers. I pointed out that there are similarities between the way he ran his campaign and the way Obama fashioned his own campaign. I asked him where the two campaigns diverged in their tactics.

Sen. Cochran: Mississippi ‘Suffers' If Earmarks Cut

The Clarion-Ledger buried the lead on their meeting with Sen. Thad Cochran today, reporting the, er, "news" that Cochran would support a fellow Republican as president and burying the juicy stuff at the bottom of the very shallow piece: Would Kerry Throw Us to the Wolves?

A misleading Bush ad criticizes Kerry for proposing to cut intelligence spending — a decade ago, by 4%, when some Republicans also proposed cuts.

Why Young Blacks Should Vote

Black America Web reports: "With the 2004 presidential election just eight months away and important political issues at stake, many are wondering why young blacks between the ages of 18 and 24 are less likely to get out and vote. Most of these young voters, political experts said, feel disconnected to the candidates and the issues surrounding this election. But a recent study conducted by Northeastern University Center for Labor Market Studies reported extremely high unemployment among young black men. That and higher tuition costs are two good reasons for this group to get out and vote in the upcoming election, observers said. The report stated that 'one out of every four African-American youth and one out of every five Latino youth between the ages of 16 and 24 are out-of-school, jobless and on the streets.'"

GOP-Funded Firm Accused of Destroying Dem Ballots, More

Salon today has a piece about Sproul, the RNC-funded firm under fire for doing all sorts of things to squelch the Democratic vote:

Barbour Vetoes Tobacco-Grocery Tax Bill

Following is Gov. Haley Barbour's statement today vetoing the popular effort to raise the tax on cigarettes and lower the tax on on groceries. Note that he is repeating his past statement about the effect the tax-switch would have on local governments—even though his allegations on that front are disputed by the State Tax Commission. As quoted in Adam Lynch's report this week on this issue:

Losing Your Voting Virginity

In a story printed in our one of the JFP's youth voting issues, Jane Eisner argues that older people should help young people celebrate the right to vote—and give them a reason to vote: