All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

Katie Couric Asks You-the-People to Help Her Interview Palin

On her chatty blog, CBS' Katie Couric wants to know what you would ask Sarah Palin! She's going to interview her next week! She thinks Palin has made the campaign really exciting! She won't ask "gossipy stuff"! She needs you! Read more:

Poll: Bush Vulnerable Against Unnamed Democrat

Latest Zogby poll: "As Democrats Vote in Iowa and New Hampshire, President Bush Looks Vulnerable in Both His Re-Elect and Face-Off with Generic Democrat; Bush's Job Performance 49% Positive, 50% Negative; Democrats Lead Over Republicans in Congressional Generic, New Zogby International Poll Reveals

Admission o' the Year

The Indianapolis Star reports: Norman Ornstein, a congressional analyst at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, said the issue (gay marriage ban) is being pushed by Republicans to energize their conservative base. "The upside potential in convincing the Christian conservative community that Armageddon will come if John Kerry and Democrats are elected is greater than losing Log Cabin Republicans and some socially moderate Republicans," Ornstein said.

Mississippi GOP Gleeful Over Pickering End Run

Emily Wagster Pettus of AP writes: "Judge Charles Pickering's exhausting journey to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is a cause celebre for the Mississippi Republican Party. People shouldn't expect the talk about it to die down just because President Bush made an end-run around congressional Democrats and installed Pickering on the appeals bench Jan. 16. If anything, the GOP is now ideally situated to gain from the Pickering predicament. Republicans got what they wanted, because the 66-year-old judge — a former state senator, former head of the Mississippi Baptist Convention and former U.S. District Court judge — is serving on the court that handles appeals from Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. He can remain on the 5th Circuit bench until the next Congress takes office in January 2005.

Ole Miss Student Paper Poll: ‘It's a Cop-Out'

The Daily Mississippian is running an online poll that currently shows that 69 percent of respondents think that McCain's bailout on the debate is a "cop-out."

Open Thread: Election Chatter - Mississippi Elections (Senate, etc.)

What's on your mind about the Mississippi elections? Musgrove v. Wicker? Cochran v. Fleming? Congressional seats? What about Supreme Court seats? Here's your spot.

Not Too Hip to Vote

Christopher Hayes writes for Alternet: "[T]his crowd, which formed a line that snaked around Astor place onto Lafayette, was garbed in American Apparel t-shirts, thrift store blazers, and the hyper pointy-toed shoes that are currently standard issue for women south of 14th Street. ...

IRS Probes NAACP; Group Calls It Suspicious

The NAACP has revealed that the U.S. government if probing it for crossing the line into politics. AFP reports:

Who Will Be Jackson's Next Mayor?

As national politics swirl, and the news that one of Frank Melton's bodyguards is turning on him comes in, thoughts are turning to the mayoral race ahead in Jackson. What are your thoughts? Who do you want? Go for it.

Presidential Inaugural Parade Apps Due Nov. 18

[Verbatim from U.S. Army] WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Armed Forces Inaugural Committee has extended its deadline for the public to submit applications to participate in the Jan. 20, 2009, presidential inaugural parade to Nov. 18 by 5 p.m. Applicants have traditionally included local groups from across the country, including school and community marching bands, floats and a variety of performers who fit into a parade format, as well as other non-traditional parade groups such as vocal ensembles, hand bell choirs and orchestras.

Obama Prepping for Debate in ‘Battleground' Florida

Per a CBS blog: Barack Obama is taking the day off from campaigning today – instead he will be preparing for Friday's presidential debate at an undisclosed location in the Tampa, Fla., area.

State Launches Site for Visiting Debate Journalists

[Verbatin] An estimated 3,000 journalists are expected to descend upon Oxford this week for the first 2008 Presidential Debate. To assist media with resources for broadcasts and articles pertaining to Mississippi, the Mississippi Development Authority (MDA) has created a website containing helpful information regarding the state. Media and journalists can access the site at . "The first 2008 Presidential Debate being held on the campus of the University of Mississippi is a historic event – not only for Ole Miss and Oxford, but also for the entire State of Mississippi," Governor Haley Barbour said. "We have a great story to tell, and this event is an excellent opportunity to share it with the world. The website is designed to help the media tell the story, and I am sure the information contained within the site will be useful to anyone wishing to learn more about the state."

Anti-Immigrant Man v. Adam Lynch

Tony Young, of Savannah, Tenn., probably in his 60s, was carrying a big sign while marching in circles around the Grove: "Stop immigration." Not "Stop Illegal Immigration," but "Stop Immigration." I walked up and pointed out that we are both children of immigrants. What makes him different from the immigrants that he's rallying against?

Hollywood on Trial

Danny Goldberg writes:

In a recent Los Angeles Times article Patrick Goldstein said "Hollywood took it on the chin" in the recent election. [...] Goldstein mentioned a handful of harsh references to President Bush made by assorted celebrities during the recent campaign (the same ones that Stephanie Mansfield of the right-wing Washington Times had cited a week before): Jennifer Aniston, the "Friends" actress who called Mr. Bush "a f--king idiot"; John Mellencamp, who described Mr. Bush as "a cheap thug"; and Cher, who called Bush "stupid and lazy." Then there was the Whoopi Goldberg joke, a pun based on the President's last name that she told at a Kerry fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall.

Barbour Trying to Bring Back 1920s

Excellent column by Ole Miss professor Joe Atkins:

Will McCain's Health-Care Plan Raise Taxes?

The Center for American Progress is announcing a new report Wednesday that finds "McCain Health Plan Will Raise Taxes, Take Away Missouri Families' Health Care." Verbatim:

Madison Mayor's Husband Arrested for Corruption

Clarion-Ledger reports:

Imagining a Real Youth Movement

By Raj Jayadev writes for Wiretap about problems with the youth voting movement. "[A] movement is about creating choices. The gulf is about imagination. As Desmond Tutu said, it's not just about having a seat at the table, it's about setting the menu. If young people really did set the menu, I doubt they would be serving up the Democratic Party or John Kerry.

Meredith: ‘No, Just Acting Like Students, I ‘Spose'

In this video shot during the Ole Miss uprising over his enrollement, James Meredith sure looks a lot younger, but he rather sounds just like he does today when he says of the angry students around him, "No, Just Acting Like Students, I 'Spose."

UPDATE: CNN to Air Anti-Bush Ad

From's Eli Pariser: "During this year's Super Bowl, you'll see ads sponsored by beer companies, tobacco companies, and the Bush White House. But you won't see the winning ad in Voter Fund's Bush in 30 Seconds ad contest. CBS refuses to air it. Meanwhile, the White House is on the verge of signing into law a deal which Senator John McCain (R-AZ) says is custom-tailored for CBS and Fox, allowing the two networks to grow much bigger. CBS lobbied hard for this rule change; members across the country lobbied against it; and now our ad has been rejected while the White House ad will be played. It looks an awful lot like CBS is playing politics with the right to free speech."